9 dead in Kenya restaurant shooting

Open Doors Newsflash

The eastern Kenyan town of Garissa has seen yet another incident of violence. It appears that gunmen walked into a restaurant this past Thursday and sprayed bullets on the guests. The latest reports to Open Doors indicate that nine people have died.

The motive for the attack is not known and no one has yet accepted responsibility. But Somali based Islamist rebels, al-Shabaab would be the assumed perpetrators. Kenya has suffered several attacks, like this most recent one, since 2011 when its troops moved into southern Somalia to fight the rebels.

In February gunmen killed prominent Christian, Abdi Welli, in Garissa and injured AIC Pastor Ibrahim Makunyi. In July 2012 the AIC Church suffered a similar gun attack leaving 17 people dead. The volatility of the region is placing the Church in Garissa under immense pressure.

Open Doors is urging believers to pray for peace and calm to be restored soon in Garissa and for strength for the Church in the midst of the turmoil.

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