WATCH: Video Of the Week: April 30, 2015 — NMMU Random Acts of Kindness

videooftheweekbar[notice]In Video of the Week we post a weekly video clip to inspire, inform, edify or entertain. Readers are welcome to email suggested clips of the week to[/notice]Nelson Mandela Bay University Computing Sciences Department Head and regular Gateway News reader, Prof Jean Greyling suggested this week’s video — made by students from his department of their NMMU-Random Acts of Kindness Campaign.

Who says computer programmers are antisocial geeks? The students in this video ( Lutho Msutu, Bongo Mgubo, Ruan Oliver, Christopher Marinus, Cruden Daniels and Michael Selby) took up the challenge of a lecturer to “work on their soft skills” and set about spreading a little happiness on campus and in the community without asking for anything in return. They dished out cupcakes, left inspirational notes for unsuspecting students and handed out lunches to homeless people. Their video has been making an impact on social media and they have contacted other universities and schools challenging them to spread the joy by posting videos of themselves performing random acts of kindness and urging their friends to do the same.


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  1. Just imagine if all of the Christians, all over South Africa, could start doing this, every day, wherever they go. It could have a huge impact. How about starting doing it tomorrow morning ?

  2. Little efford and so much joy. Keep it going.

  3. Allan Verreynne

    I just love these spontaneous acts of kindness. It just brightens up one’s day – givers as well as receivers! Well done!