20 000 worshippers roar for Jesus at opening of Bethel Music SA tour

Bethel Music members at a press conference last night before they launched their SA tour with a Worship Night at the Voortrekker Monumnet, Pretoria.

‘”It’s clear South African’s are worshipping from a different place.”

Jeremy Riddle said these words at the press conference before the Bethel Music Worship Night began at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria last night (Thursday September 15).

It’s true, South Africans are worshippers. You could sense this in the atmosphere as we roared at the mention of His name and sang, ‘Jesus we love you’ in unison.

That’s why we came.

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Not for any hype, but 20 000 hearts who were there for Him and nothing else.

Find out what was released in the Spirit at the Bethel Worship night Gauteng in next week’s article in Gateways News.

The Bethel Worship Nights tour now moves to Durban tomorrow (Saturday September 17) at Cityhill Church Hillcrest, and Cape Town on Wednesday September 21 at Grandwest.

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  1. God inhabited the praises of His people
    On Thursday night at Voortrekker monument. It was just amazing being there!

  2. wow! would have loved to be there!