ACDP calls for condemnation of instructional videos urging Palestinians to knife jews

Evening terror stabbing scene at Jerusalem Central Bus Station. (PHOTO: Hillel Maeir/ TPS)

Multiple stabbings in the West Bank and the firing of rockets from Gaza have resulted in an escalation of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

ACDP MP and member of Parliaments International Relations Committee, Cheryllyn Dudley said this week that:
“The recent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians and the resulting loss of lives is deeply concerning as it shatters long held hopes and efforts toward peaceful relations in the Middle East. The ACDP sends condolences to the families of Israelis who have lost their lives in recent violent attacks across Israel. We are also grieving for those Palestinian families who bear the brunt of the resulting conflict.

While Israel has a right to defend its people at all times the grief of the nation is tangible. Golda Meir stated at a press conference in London in the year 1969 that: ‘When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons”.

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The ACDP calls on the South African Government and the global community to have the decency to condemn the instructional videos created and distributed by Hamas – urging Palestinians to knife Jews wherever they may find them and how to do so. Such blatant incitement to murder cannot be condoned and should not be allowed to continue without an appropriate outcry from the global community.

The ACDP salutes the people of Israel who have endured much and manage to always come through stronger on the other side. You are an inspiration and example as you live your moral values and deep respect for human life – in the face of constant provocation and attacks.

Lastly the ACDP joins the SAZF in calling once again on all parties to the conflict to apply their sincerest efforts to reduce these escalating tensions and to find a way of constructively engaging in a process that will bring an end to the bloodshed.

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Group suing Facebook as ‘accessory to terror’
Meanwhile, an Israeli advocacy group announced plans on Thursday to initiate a class-action suit in a US court against Facebook for allegedly being an “accessory to terror,” according to The lawsuit comes after numerous Facebook pages and posts have been published on the social media site with instructions on how to carry out terrorist acts against Israelis, reports Christian Examiner.

“Facebook has the means to research and monitor every word that appears on its website,” the Israeli advocacy group, Shurat HaDin, said in a press release. “It cannot be that entire pages on Facebook are devoted to incitement to murder Jews and that terrorists are permitted to publish posts that become popular among their friends and encourage them to kill. It is absurd that Facebook is being transformed into a tool for supporting incitement and attacks against Jews, and we intend to put an end to it.”


One Comment

  1. Hate speech against homosexuals not allowed but its OK against Jews??

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