ACDP condemns Hamas attacks on Israel

The African Christian Democratic Party is grieved by the tragic loss of life in the recent flare-up of conflict in the Middle East and condemns the terror attacks on the South of Israel, says ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley in a media release today.

Hundreds of rockets were fired by Hamas on Israel last week and lives were lost. While Israel has demonstrated great restraint the ACDP acknowledges that it cannot stand by passively and allow recurring attacks on its citizens. We note that the targets of the Israeli operation have all been military and appreciate Israel’s concerted efforts to prevent harm to the civilian population of Gaza, she says.

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Tragically, Hamas and other terrorist organizations hide among the civilian population of Gaza and direct their fire at the civilian population of Israel. Hamas, with Iranian supplied weapons initiated the current round of hostilities. In 2005, Israel disengaged completely from the Gaza Strip resulting in Gaza becoming an enormous ammunition dump and breeding ground for terrorist groups, says Dudley.

The ACDP extends its deepest sympathy to the families of the bereaved and prays for the speedy recovery of the wounded.

The ACDP calls on the South African Government and International Relations Minister to “remove their blinkers, condemn the violence and call for Hamas to cease the firing of rockets on Israel”, concludes the release.

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