Africa healing rooms journey in pictures

[notice]Gateway News recently caught up with Carol Campbell whose healing rooms ministry we reported on in April 2015. In this update, the Director for South Africa and National Advisor for Africa of the International Association of Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington, takes us on a photographic tour of some of God’s recent healing work in Africa.[/notice]

By Carol Campbell

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I have had the privilege of opening healing rooms [an interdenominational ministry where ordinary, lay volunteers pray for people who need physical or emotional healing] in nine nations around the world, namely, South Africa, Turkey, France, Gabon, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria and Togo. My experiences have cemented my faith in how God brings the light into dark places.

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Zambia, October 2015

healing africa zambia glory cloud
I was teaching in Kitwe, Zambia in October, 2015 when a glory cloud manifested in our meeting. The atmosphere was glorious!
healing africa zambia seeAn elderly man attended the training in Kitwe. His name was Richmond and he was constantly aided by his wife when walking, so we presumed that he had a problem with his legs. When the glory cloud appeared I had people lie down to soak in God’s Presence. I sat next to Richmond and massaged his legs while praying for healing. After a while Richmond jumped up and when asked what the joy was all about he shouted: “I can see!!” He had been blind for years, but we thought his legs were the problem. There was nothing wrong with his legs! That is what happens when we steward God’s Presence. Even when we pray the wrong prayers, God is faithful to heal!

healing africa zambia sticky eye

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We were ministering healing in a children’s hospital in Kitwe. When I found this baby — her one eye was open and the other was sealed closed, flesh to flesh. There was no sign of an opening. As I lifted the baby out of the cot, the eye began to open. The photo was taken as the sealed eye started opening.

Nigeria, 2016

healing africa nigeria jump

A few weeks ago we went to Nigeria and Togo. We were walking in the grounds on a YWAM base in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, when this man was brought to us. He had one stiff leg and was yearning to play sport again. We just commanded the stiffness to leave and suddenly he started jumping for joy and giving God the glory.

Togo, 2016

healing africa togo heaven

In Kpamile, in Togo, we did a fun excercise with a group of children, taking them to heaven. Many of them met Jesus face to face and He spoke to them things like: “You are special” and “I love you.” One child was shown what heaven and hell look like. They did not want to leave the church after the exercise.

healing africa togo walking
This man in Togo could hardly walk with the aid of a crutch. He was carried into the church and placed on a chair. I just heard screaming, and saw that he was walking. I was told that the prayer servants [healing room volunteers] commanded the spirit of paralysis to leave his body and he got off his chair and walked. Soo awesome!

Prophetic words

Carol Campbell
Carol Campbell.

In January this year [several months before the Nigeria, Togo trip] I had a prophetic word that highlighted three things for me:
God says, “You are constantly looking for places of safety, but don’t look for a place of safety as I am your safety.”
God says, “I want to place you in the middle of a war, right in the middle of the war, but you are going to live in peace.”
God says, ”Show me your faith and I’ll show you My faith by what I do.”

Well, God sure showed His glory on this trip!

Before I do training I always ask God what He wants me to focus on, His love, or identity, or authority, or inner healing.

In Nigeria, there were many broken people, wounded from having experiences as militants and the results of being involved and seeing the actions of the radical Muslims. After the inner healing exercises, we led them to walk around “The walls of Jericho” 7 times, then we blew the shofar, symbolising the walls of pain in their hearts being broken. This resulted in deep, deep wounds being healed and some lay on the floor for three hours as God healed their brokenness.

For Togo, the word I received was “authority.” Authority is very important in witchcraft areas where the people believe that the devil has all the authority.

All these [healing] testimonies were the result of the brand new prayer servants praying for people during a healing service.

More testimonies from the recent trip
Mary’s husband was at home while she attended the HR [healing rooms] training. He was blind and he could not walk. She received prayer for him from the brand new prayer servants. When she got home she found her husband completely healed! He could see and was walking around!!!!!!! She came back the next day to give God the glory.

Miss Ahisha is 59 years old and her back and knees had been paining for 10 years, allowing her little mobility. After prayer she started jumping and bent over! She could do all the movements she had not been able to do for years!

Margaret was almost blind and had terrible pains in her legs. God healed her eyes to the extent that she can even thread the eye of a needle!!! She is also totally pain free.

Ruth, an adult lady was born with pain in her heal and has suffered all her life, not being able to walk properly, resulting in pain in her whole body. After prayer all pain left and she is rejoicing with her new body.

Delali had a tumor in her neck that dissolved completely while she was being prayed for. She also had chest pains and a stomach ache, but all pain left her body.

Antoinette hads not menstruated for eight months. She went to the hospital and was told that they suspect she is pregnant, but she is not pregnant. She came for prayer to the healing service. While she was sitting in the church she started menstruating!

We played a game, activating the imagination, where I threw a “grace ball” and they caught it and placed it on the part of their body that needed healing. Fred had pain in his head for 18 years but after placing the imaginary grace ball on his head the pain disappeared and has not returned!

Tosie has had pain in both her legs for a long time and she could not carry anything on her head without feeling severe pressure. She was prayed for and the next day her legs were pain free. She went to the farm and needed to carry something on her head. SHE TOOK AUTHORITY OVER THE PRESSURE AND COMMANDED IT TO LEAVE! When she put the weight on her head, there was no pressure! Immediately she felt a power leave her body and she carried the load from the farm to the house with no pressure or pain.

Jacques was involved in a car accident two years ago and broke both his legs. He could not stand, jump or dance. He came for prayer and now has not stopped jumping and dancing and he believes God has healed him completely!

A man who had been suffering from migraines and sinusitis for years was invited to go to church for prayer, but did not respond to the invitation. He went to bed and had a dream that he was healed. He woke up the next morning and was healed and pain free!

A woman came for prayer for herself and her children who were sick in bed at home. She was healed after being prayed for and she arrived home to see her children running around and 10% healed!

And many more……


  1. Praise Jesus He is so Powerful so wonderful to hear all this testemony Praise His Name thankyou Carol

  2. Bless you Carol, you are an inspiration to us and just seeing how your ministry has developed and grown and how God is being glorified, is such a wonderful encouragement. We serve a mighty God.

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