Afrika Mhlophe completes new book on Christianity and culture


“Freed By God But Imprisoned By Culture” is the provocative title of a new book by Port Elizabeth pastor and author Afrika Mhlophe.

Mhlophe says the idea for the book came to him while he was writing his first book, “Christianity and the Veneration of the Dead” which was released in October 2013. The first book is aimed at freeing people from the deception that dead people can influence their lives. The new book aims to free people from man-made cultural ideas that enslave and hinder them from fulfilling their God-given purpose.

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Mhlophe who in April will be a speaker for the third consecutive year at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) says his involvement in cross cultural ministry has heightened his awareness of the grip that ethnic-based cultural views have on many Christians in South Africa.

“I think, frankly, that more Christians in South Africa define themselves based on ethnicity than on the Kingdom of God. We may say we don’t care so much about ethnicity until the rubber hits the road like when something is said about your race and the real thing comes out,” he says.

He says the issue of a primary cultural identity  “goes to the core of the Gospel” which is to restore the original plan that God had for man when He placed him in the Garden of Eden and which man messed up through sinning.

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“That is why Jesus is called the Last Adam.  So, when we don’t embrace our new identity in Christ we hinder the purposes of God for the Earth through us. God is God and He is not going to work through our paradigms of race and so we are left  conflicted because we are trying to find value in something that has no value,” he says.

 Looking through a Biblical lens at issues such as our origin, culture, identity, the power of influence and culture, African cultural practices, and “cultural facism”, Mhlophe’s book sets out to provide readers with tools to navigate the conflict between their faith and their ethnic-based cultures.

Mhlophe says the book will shortly be available online on a website he is developing and through Gateway News. It will also be available at the KMMC from April 24 to 26. From May he will embark on a book tour around the country.


  1. To God be the glory.

  2. Rev Ian Karshagen

    Hi Afrika, save me a copy! I’m sure it’ll be another hit! Bless you

  3. Siphelo Goduka

    “Thy kingdom has come!” congratulations again Pastor Afrika for your new book, I thank God for giving you the time for it’s completion, thanks to you good and faithful servant, and also thanks to your wife and kids for sharing you with us, bless you!

  4. Hi Afrika

    I am a teacher at a township high school in Tarkastad. You are spot on in terms of the fact that culture is man-made and one of the enemy’s very deceptive ways of stealing people’s true identity. I have been sharing with my students in class that God’s word is our supreme rule book and not rules that we learn from our surroundings and then follow it as culture. They were amazed, but acknowledged that i was speaking the truth. Please let me know whether you visit schools as a way of spreading the Gospel. I would like to invite you to a visit to my school in Tarkastad, Raymond Mhlaba SSS and we might just be able to get other schools also involved. I hope God will move in your heart on the latter, although i realise that you have a very hectic programme.

    God bless you my brother and well done and i am sure your latest book will help the saints to stand firm against the relentless attacks of the enemy.


  5. Hugh G Wetmore

    Well done, Afrika! Just your title sends out a message of warning and hope. “Embracing our new identity in Christ” enabled Paul (Philippians 3) and enables us to overcome the hurtful racism, tribalism and xenophobia that is tearing apart our much-vaunted ‘social cohesion’. Ephesians 2!

  6. I respect Africa and the detailed research he has done. Without studying the topic my view would be that God made all cultures good but they all became corrupted. We cannot judge other cultures by my culture but every culture should be judged/changed by the Word. We can certainly see SOME biblically correct aspects in most cultures.

    Jesus did say His kingdom is not of this world but Revelation 5:10, 7:9 seems to indicate that the redeemed will include people of every culture. Our God loves diversity.
    I would conclude that we are not saved out of our culture but in our culture with a calling to demonstrate what our redeemed cultute should look like.
    Obviously Christ calls us to cross all cultural boundaries with the Gospel so it would be represented and redeemed

  7. n Man na God se hart

  8. Looking forward to get the copy! Well done.

  9. This book sounds very interesting. Will it be available on Amazon or other online sites, as I am part of the ZA diaspora?
    May the Lord bless your work.

  10. We are always looking to sell good books like this… ajnd send them to libraries but battle to find who is selling them to bookshops? We are still battle to get his first book.

  11. Mnyamezeli Elliot Masoka Mnyamezeli Elliot Masoka

    Hi there Africa I was at your presentation on Saturday the 14th in P.E. at Holy Trinity church I enjoyed your presentation but still have many unanswered question. I want to know if you would be open to a debate where all cultures are represented. I say this because my struggle could be someone else’s one. You presented a very good topic as a leader in my church I always encourage debates because they make one to grow. Keep up the good work, God bless you man of God.

  12. Mnyamezeli Elliot Masoka Mnyamezeli Elliot Masoka

    May you grow from strengh to strengh.

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