Angus Buchan calls national day of prayer on April 22 in Bloemfontein area [VIDEO]

A million praying believers wanted at ‘It Is Time’ event

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan announced on Monday that an urgent national day of prayer for South Africa will be held on a farm in the Bloemfontein area from about 2pm on Saturday April 22.

Calling for a million South Africans from every part of the country to gather together to call on the Lord for peace, justice and hope in the country, he urged viewers of his special video announcement to cancel every other meeting on that day and make sure to be at the prayer day.

  • Visit for latest news
  • The question many people are asking is: Where exactly will the prayer event take place? All that can be said at this stage is that it will be happening on a farm in the Bloemfontein area. Angus Buchan and members of his team will be looking at some 15 farms tomorrow (Friday March 3) which have been offered to him by their owners for use on the day. Buchan will announce the venue as soon as possible.
  • Listen to a special message broadcast by Angus Buchan to TBN in Africa viewers on Monday night (February 27 2017):

its time

“I really believe this is the last chance that we will have in South Africa to bring normality back to this beloved nation,” Buchan said in the video clip which followed another special video announcement released yesterday in which he promised to make an announcement today after the Lord had spoken to him during his run yesterday morning, saying: “It is time!”. In yesterday’s clip he also responded positively to another viral video clip released yesterday in which a farmer said South Africans were waiting for Buchan to call the nation together to pray.

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George Carpenter of Shalom Ministries also notified Gateway News on Monday that a whatsapp message that has gone viral saying that Buchan is hosting a church service on DSTV Channel 343 [TBN in Africa] at 7pm on Monday night was inaccurate. In fact, TBN would be rebroadcasting the Sacred Assembly that was held at the FNB Stadium on November 19 2016. However, he said that Buchan would have something to say via telephone before the rebroadcast. [You can listen to Buchan’s special message by clicking the audio player in the LATEST DEVELOPMENTS panel to the right.]

In Monday’s special video announcement Buchan says he will provide the name and address “very soon” of the Bloemfontein area farm which will be the national prayer day venue.

“I have never been so excited in my life,” Buchan says in his announcement.

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“We are tired of people taking the law into their own hands. “We are going to call upon The Lord to bring justice, peace and hope to our beloved South Africa.

“He says: ‘If my people who are called by My name’ – that is you and I, so I want to ask you to pray for us.”


  1. Will support !!

  2. It is time! Thank you Lord, for Your servant that is obedient.

  3. Where will the 22 April prayer gathering take place?

  4. Thank you for this Lord. Me and my family need this. Let me know where and me and my family will be there.thank you

  5. It’s time we do something The Lord is our only answer

  6. Please can you send me where in bloemfontein want to book b & b

    • On an undisclosed farm in Bloemfontein area. We will publish address details as soon as Angus Buchan announces them, which he says he will do soon. [EDITOR]

      • Wow! Do you have a company that have enough speakers to cater for 1million people? Would love to assist with sound arrangements.

      • good day

        please if posible my husband would really like to go to bloemfonten for prayer. do you know anybody that coming to bloemfontein from durban.

        please let me know as soon as possible.

    • Will be there! Can’t wait.

  7. Henette de la Porte

    Somerset west and surrounding areas will be their in full pray with this nation..we beleive for full restoration of the God all the Glory..any help you need for this can count on us.looking forward to this great turning point for our beloved country.22 April 2017


    how & where can we contribute financially

    • I asked Shalom Ministries your question and here is their response:
      I don’t think there is an acc. specifically for the event but I spoke to one of our trustees who said that the Shalom Trust acc’s below will be perfect. Please can people include a reference to the event. Thank you.

      Below is from our website:

      Although we have said this many times and will continue to do so in the future, we would like to emphasise, for your own security, that no-one at Shalom Ministries,or Angus Buchan himself, will ever ask for donations or money from you. Never!

      That said, we do understand that God may put it on your heart to support the ministry through a financial blessing. If this is you, you may use the following banking details:

      ABSA, GREYTOWN 632005
      Acc no: 4051589970

      FNB, GREYTOWN, 220131
      Acc no: 622 228 45250

  9. TheLord gave me Habakkuk for SA years ago. I see it fulfilled. A time to come it will not delay. THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL LIVE BY FAITH’ Please go read the whole book of Habakkuk

  10. Please please anyone from Durban going to bloem for the prayer on 22 April can give me a lift. What’sap 0769412357- thank You in gods name. God bless

  11. Johan Bodenstein

    I would like to know if you have received a commitment for a farm to use on the 22nd of April for the national prayer day because we have a farm in the Bloemfontein area which is available and is suitable for the event will you let me know ASAP thanks Johan Bodenstein

  12. I agree now is the Time…can’t wait
    ..thank you…JESUS..

  13. Thank you Father God for a time such as this. Looking forward to this special day!

  14. Thank you Jesus, our country needs this. My family and I need this so much. Our God is an Awesome God and there is none like Him.

  15. For many of us here in Caledon it is not possible to go to Bloemfontein for this event, but we would like to organize an event here in Caledon that the people of the Overberg can attend. Can we do that and can we use the same theme “It is time” to advertize it and just link it to Bloemfontein.

  16. If so it will also be on the 22nd April

  17. please let me the address for the farm I will be there

  18. pass my regard to uncle Angus

  19. please email me

  20. Leon en Tertia Hansmeyer

    Ons is daar, kan nie wag wat ons Hemelse Vader vir ons gaan bring nie

  21. Leon en Tertia Hansmeyer

    Please God have mercy on SA

  22. The prayer day is great, but what about all who cant attend that day? Is it not a national prayer day? I am sure God want everybody and not only 1 million people to pray with. Please use all means possible via internet or fb or technology to make it happen for all south africans to participate

    • Frans Ackerman

      Ek persoonlik dink hierdie is iets waarvoor SA al lank wag almal kan onmoontlik dit bywoon maar wil graag elke kerk in SA inspireer om ook op die 22 April 2017 2h00 dinste te hou (It,s time)

  23. First I want to thank Uncle Angus for the breathtaking preaches every Sunday on channel 144. Me and my family don’t miss out, and then I want to ask for the time and place where in bloemfontein because we would like to go. email

  24. What is the entry cost?

  25. Amen, the whole Free State will hear us. We will be there.
    We cant wait for our Heavenly Father to Step in and Bless our
    country…. come on South Africans, lets UNITE as ONE!

  26. Everyone thats going down from durban. Lets meet on friday and we all drive in a convoy together with the good news messages of Jesus on our vehicles e mail me at

  27. Will there be live-streaming for those of us who can’t attend?

  28. Verseker daar op 22 April, hoog tyd om saam te staan

  29. There are already people giving excuses not to attend and wanting to organize local events to link, they are missing the whole purpose of the event. It is to bring south african vristians together, at 1 gathering to ensure an impact. Lets keep it as requsted by our leader.

    • And what is your solution for the people who want to attend but can under no circumstances go to bloemfontein on that weekend.

  30. I was blessed and saved at the 2007 MMC and four of us are driving from Cape Town to help save our beloved country. It IS our LAST chance.

  31. I do not believe that this is the last chanche that South Africa will have as stated by Angus. We do serve a loving and kind God who will always hear all the peoples prayer, not just on 22 april.

  32. Baie dankie vir u gehoorsaamheid oom Angus! Seënwense

  33. More and more people are giving bad coments about uncle Angus. Why?. Name anyone els in this country that can gather 500 000 men together in one place. And by the way its not him in his own power doing this he is just obiedient to glorify God. Ask yourselves this question. What if this is the last chance?. God wants his people (and the lost) to unite. Its not about uncle Angus he is just the one that God chose to use to unite us, its all about Jesus.

  34. @ Morne! AMEN.

  35. Tercia, the Lord has been highlighting Habakkuk for me too for many many years. The Lord is calling His people. It is time! Will be there.

  36. Barend & Nelia Becker

    I Angus is there any chance to have a internet coverage of the meeting so we can follow it and pray with you? I think there is many of us in the rest of the world that will be interested to join in on this course.. God bless .. out of Albany Western Australia

  37. I greet all my brothers and sisters in the love of Jesus Christ the ONLY saviour for this world.

    How blessed is South Africa at present (one does not know how long it will last though) to have a chance like this.

    My country has gone to the dogs. The rest of the world is going too.

    God is looking to South Africa to lead the world, not just South Africa.

    I therefore genuinely applaud this kind of initiative, but at the very same time I urge and say openly, get on your knees people now!

    Prostrate yourselves if you have to. Start doing it this afternoon, this evening, with your family before bedtime, when you wake up in the night and or even in the morning and so on and start praying with all your might.

    Do not wait until the date either,
    get the prayers airborne, get them up into the heavens in constant streams and start doing it now!

    Nothing can intercept our prayers, they always reach their target/s.

    Again I applaud this event, but no one but Jesus Christ is going to ultimately save us and it will only be through faith in Him and Him alone.

    Anything else is an AMAZING DISGRACE. Yes you read it right. Unless we have total Unity in the Faith there will be very little Grace left. That applies to all of us.

    You are responsible for your Salvation.

    Love each other and encourage each other too.

    Let us all therefore get on our knees from this very time and get a huge unstoppable rumbling and ground swell started, so when the gate of whichever farm opens up, on this said day, there will be no stopping the Tsunami of love and prayers and worship to GOD.

    Don’t just turn up hoping to have your ears tickled and seeing well known speakers (and I say this with respect) get there so you can say you loaded the main cannon with the biggest compacted explosive of crying out to God ever seen and heard of and that you helped fire it right into the Throne Room of Glory, Amen!

    Give the devil hell. Give God all the praise!

    Love to all from,


  38. Thank you FATHER that you have an obedient servant in Angus.Never has repentance and supplication been needed more in our beloved country,home to all races. I urge all of every race and creed to attend.

  39. Hugo Rademeyer

    It’s to be on Ollie le Roux’s farm near Bloem. Please, everybody, PRAY like never before that God’s Blessing falls on that farm and the people gathered there in all earnest who want to see our beloved country healed from the absolute chaos it’s in right now. Those at home – please join the huge prayer groups who cannot be present, especially from 14:00 on the 22nd April. We need millions of Intercessors to start praying God’s Blessings on the event from now on and not to cease.

  40. We will be there!!!

  41. Can’t wait to hear from you!

  42. Will it be possible to camp on the farm on Friday and Saturday evening

  43. Will gladly pay a camping fee towards Water

  44. lynda heystek

    if people from durban want to go, we need to organise buses pls contact me and help arrange it. this is paramount for our land

  45. The Catholic church.

    There is some that does not understand the correct meaning of the Catholic church. Angus is not referring to the Romans Catholic church.

    The word Catholic is an old english word which means specifically “UNIVERSAL” .It has no references whatsoever to the Roman Catholic church ( the roman universal church). This creed was written long before this Roman Catholic church was established.

    Catholic refers to the universal church of God of all ages in heaven and on earth.

    The Holy Catholic church is a communion of saints.

    To make it plain.
    We are all going to gather together in unity on the 22nd of April. But still we all belong to different congregations, but in one body.
    Its got nothing to do with the virgin Mary, holy water or any of the saints like the believes of the Roman Catholic church.

    “Catholic” refers to the UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF GOD of ALL AGES in HEAVEN and on EARTH.

    I hope this brings some clarity on the topic. In Jesus name AMEN!

  46. will we be able to camp in a tent for one night? we are from far

  47. Apparently there is no parking close to the event. Many of us wont be able to walk kilometers to Wildeals farm. Is it possible to have golfcarts or small busses available to assist us? Lots of elderly people would like to attend!?

  48. So do we know what the actual location of the event will be? People have to make travel and accommodation arrangements.

  49. Praise God, will be praying and God willing, will be there

  50. Nicolene Boshoff

    I would like to know if all religions are welcome

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