Are you tired of doing church?


[notice]A monthly column for young ladies by Kate Fitz-Gibbon[/notice]

Kate dancer streetDo you sometimes feel powerless at church?

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Like what you experience is not enough?

Your soul longs for more but you can’t quite put your finger on what more is?

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Tired of religious services with no life?

Want more of the presence of God, creativity, abundant life, deep encounters, and space to be your crazy, beautiful, one of a kind self?

Then read on gorgeous warrior heart.

Girls, I’m going in for a big one here. So bear with me while I step out onto the ice. It’s always a bit of a touchy subject talking about the things that are not going so well in the church, but I promise this article takes a turn for glory so stay tuned.

We have reached a tipping point at church, where things need to change and God is about to shake things up. He has never let go of His dream for the church to become the most creative, beautiful, wise, awe inspiring bride the world has ever seen.

The frustration is real
After many conversations with people, it has become clear that quite a few people are feeling a little stuck and frustrated at church. We’re in a bit of a rut it would seem, and are struggling to get out of it. People have shared a desire for a more multi-dimensional experience of God in their local church and also want a greater space to express who God made them to be. To live out their calling beyond being an usher or eventually one day, if you’re very good, an elder, leader or pastor.

If you are also feeling the frustration, hold on girl! Things are going to get better and I’m going to tell you why. We have reached a tipping point at church, where things need to change and God is about to shake things up. He has never let go of His dream for the church to become the most creative, beautiful, wise, awe inspiring bride the world has ever seen.

We talk about revival coming, because that is what we need! We need a total revamp and makeover.

You are part of that revival. You are a revival. That fire inside you, if you let it grow, that’s the revival we are all waiting for. You are frustrated right now for a reason, so that God can use that feeling to propel you into destiny.

Revival will cause things to get lit, and will help change the church into something fresh, real and creative again. You are part of that revival. You are a revival. That fire inside you, if you let it grow, that’s the revival we are all waiting for. You are frustrated right now for a reason, so that God can use that feeling to propel you into destiny.

You are not alone in your frustration. I understand what it is to be frustrated at church. Inside my heart I’m a wild thing for Jesus, I’m a freaking stallion baby. So to be told when to stand, then hands up, now hands down. Then sit down and stay there, and all that other stuff. It’s felt like I’m being caged sometimes. I know there is much more because it burns inside me, and I don’t want to settle.

I’m not about rebellion to leadership, I’m all about obedience to God. My heart is set on experiencing the fullness of Jesus, even if it costs me. I decided to burn for Him a while ago, I intend to live that out, so where things are dry, I yearn to see them light up again.

Kate dancerYou are the revolution
Things need to change, that’s a fact. Sometimes though, we are waiting for things to change on the outside, when we are part of the change and the new movement. I’m not saying that people don’t need to take responsibility for where they are blocking things or stuck in the old way, I’m just saying, that maybe you don’t have to wait for them to change, you can be free and carve your own expression of what being the church is through your own life.

If you want to dance in the streets, dance! If you want to start a creative movement, start one! Whatever your thing is, seriously consider letting the spirit of God move through you, past your fear, and become the revolution.

I recently started dancing in my church when I feel the presence of God. No one dances at our church, it’s not a thing. Until now. I had prophetic words about dancing, but I kept waiting for something out there to happen before starting, until the fire inside started to burn so bright I couldn’t ignore it anymore. It took courage to step out, but I knew for me to be true to who I was, I needed to move and be free before my King. So I did. I don’t dance for anyone else, I dance for Him. I move in a style that is true to my nature, not what is expected of me. I feel free, beautiful and encounter Him deeply. A young girl got healed and inspired to dance as well while watching. That’s the start of breakthrough.

You don’t have to conform. You can be different. Don’t listen to fear and do not be intimidated by what you see around you.

You don’t have to conform. You can be different. Don’t listen to fear and do not be intimidated by what you see around you. I did that for too long, and enough is enough.

God is raising up a generation of radicals who will break through the barriers and all the dullness to bring His presence and glory no matter what.

You know what dancing taught me? That I want to do more things like that. It made me look at all the other areas of my life and say, where am I conforming and holding back on being me? Am I not doing something I have an anointing for because no one else is doing it? Why don’t I be the first?

Maybe you should have that same conversation with yourself. You don’t have to wait for someone else to give you your dream, you hold onto God’s hand and go get it.

Get your boldness on
Sometimes we have to go through hard things to emerge a leader on the other side.

If you don’t find the space or not given space to express Him at church, take it outside the church. Take it to the gym, to school, to the streets.

Ask God to show you what you look and move like as a free person.

Your limit is the imagination of God and your trust in Him. Breathe and think on that.

Maybe you’ll start a clothing label and people get healed when they wear your clothes, hug random strangers, create art that touches the world, sing over people in the streets and they get set free. Your limit is the imagination of God and your trust in Him. Breathe and think on that.

Whatever you do, don’t walk away from this challenge, give up or become complacent. Don’t settle for an inferior experience of God when you know you want more. Run to Him, and become a living example of liberty to all those around you.

The test of your freedom is if you can live your truth in the very place that once said to you, you can’t do that here. Then you will graduate into a bigger place with greater favour from God and see your greater dreams come to life.

Wherever you are, I release extreme boldness on you to do all that God has placed on your heart and become the revolution.

Love Kate


  1. How inspirational. Everyone, of all ages and not only the young, needs to read this. There is much underlying frustration at the traditional, somewhat predictable and boring lifestyle of today’s church life. But there are churches that are life-and-Spirit-filled… find one and join it! Hopefully the old churches will get the message!

  2. Thank you for this article – been feeling frustrated for a while.
    Your article sheds light on this, very accurately ?

  3. Wow! What a brilliant article. It is for freedom that Christ died. To be real, make a difference and unashamedly Walk in the space that He gives us.

  4. Well done girl!

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