Author: Charles Gardner

Time for rededication: are we in for another reign of terror to sort the sheep from the goats?

By Charles Gardner, UK Correspondent As we approach Hanukkah, it’s a timely reminder that the conditions leading to its inception are very much with us today. For godlessness and unbelief abounded as the Syrian-Greek tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes IV unleashed his fury on the Jewish people of the second century BC. […]

Servant of the Most High: Queen’s Christian faith takes centre stage in media coverage — Charles Gardner

By Charles Gardner — UK Correspondent As the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has already testified, the Queen’s affection for the Jewish people ran deep. But it was her faith in Jesus, the Jew, that proved the light and strength of her long life and reign. The Queen’s mother-in-law, Princess […]