Earlier this week, I had a conversation with a friend, who had recently joined a company. Our conversation centred around how she was settling into her new position and the fact that she felt she had made a poor impression. She summed the situation up by declaring it a “disaster”. […]
Author: Vivienne Solomons
God is the author of our story — Vivienne Solomons
It was a freak accident that caused me to stumble and fall over some uneven bricks in our backyard on the first Saturday in January 2025, just as the sun was setting. My knees instantly gave way and before I knew what was happening, I found myself face down. unable […]
Our true rest — Vivienne Solomons
I think for most of us, when we think of “rest” what often comes to mind is some form of vacation or breakaway from the routines and responsibilities of everyday life. As this year draws to a close, I for one am looking forward to the extended break over the […]
A personal reflection on Heritage Day — Vivienne Solomons
Every year during this time, when we celebrate our heritage as a nation, I also like to take some time to reflect on my personal heritage. In my younger years, I didn’t give much thought to what I had inherited from my parents except to the extent of what was […]
Finding the balance between work and life — Vivienne Solomons
Life can sometimes be a juggle. Managing work and our personal lives while trying to hold it all together can leave us feeling like we are failing in one or the other. This was brought home to me a few weeks ago when my husband and I visited a family […]
Trusting God with our life — Vivienne Solomons
A few days ago, a close friend passed away after a three-year battle with cancer. When I say, “battle” I really mean “war” given that she was faced with numerous challenges, one after the other without reprieve – from adverse reactions to prescribed therapeutic medication, to recurrent hospital admissions including […]
Bringing Heaven to Earth — Vivienne Solomons
There’s a room at the end of a long passage in our house that until a few weeks ago, remained largely untouched for the three years we have lived here. At first, it didn’t bother me much as our busy lives could not justify the significant investment in time and […]
Practising authentic Christianity — Vivienne Solomons
Years ago, while still at university I gave my life to the Lord and quickly became plugged into a local church. Although it was a small church, which I attended faithfully on a Sunday and where I served in more than one ministry, I still felt that not many people […]
Contemplating the Cross — Vivienne Solomons
The Cross, where Jesus took His last breath and where His earthly life was finally spent, is forever and always a symbol of His sacrificial yet redemptive love for all mankind. This week, in the lead up to Good Friday, I was reminded of an old hymn written by Robert […]
May we trust even when we don’t understand — Vivienne Solomons
We didn’t see it coming but then nobody does. 2023 was a significant year for our family – long-held dreams were finally realised and hard-won goals achieved. Honestly, it felt like after years of standing in faith and contending in prayer that we were finally standing in the sun and […]