Balloons will carry message of hope over East London

Getting ready to release a message of hope over East London on Saturday are from the left, Lionel de Ponselle, Robbie Black and Henry van Rensburg. They are members of the organising team for a Christian prayer initiative in which masses of balloons with messages of hope attached, will be let loose over the city.

East London Christians will release a message of hope in Jesus into the atmosphere on Saturday as they let loose masses of helium-filled balloons with encouraging messages attached.

The message of hope prayer initiative is a response by the churches of East London to the intimidation, strikes, educational crises and other challenges that have dominated Eastern Cape and South African news in the past month and a half, said event coordinator Pastor Robbie Black in an interview today.

“As Christians we are not hopeless. We have a message of hope to share,” said Black. He said everybody was welcome to participate in the initiative at the Spirit and Life Church between Beacon Bay and Gonubie on the Evergreen Lawns Road. He urged participants to arrive at 11:30 in time for the programme start at 12 noon.

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Prayer topics
Every person attending will hold a balloon with a message of hope attached. From 12 noon Christian leaders will each pray for one minute on the following topics: National Government, Department of Health, Education, Welfare, the SAPS, the electronic and printed media, the Church at large, and prayers against addictions, poverty and violence. Representatives of the key prayer areas have been invited to attend. Then Jeremiah 9:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”) will be spoken out as a prophetic declaration and at 12:15 the balloons will be released. It is hoped that 2012 balloons will be released.

Messages of hope that will be attached to balloons to be released over East London on Saturday.

The release of the balloons will be a symbolic declaration of hope in Christ. But it will also be a step in faith, believing that when the balloons came down to earth the attached messages of hope will speak to the hearts of people and that people will call the ‘hope line’ number printed with the message. Members of the initiative team have been praying that the balloon messages will impact people and unexpectedly, seven people have already called the helpline and requested spiritual encouragement. Presumably the people saw the number through advertising of the event on social media, said Black.

In addition to releasing a message of hope the campaign organisers will also send out a message that they care about the environment: the balloons are biodegradable.

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More information about the campaign can be obtained by calling 082 268 0654. The message of hope prayer campaign will coincide with the 4th annual Spirit and Life Bazaar and Country Fair which is taking place at the same venue from 8.30am on Saturday.

One Comment

  1. How good to see enthusiasm for Jesus expressed in such an innovative way! May the response be good, and the counsel given be true to the Gospel! Jeremiah 29:11 is the top flavour of the year, because its feel-good hope fits our desires. But it does not apply to everyone. Only to those who “seek the Lord with all their hearts” (29:12,13). Most of the people Jeremiah preached to heard other words “The Lord is sending sword, famine etc”, His judgment because of their sins (29:17). This must be part of our message to the world, in the words of Jesus, “Except you repent you will all perish” (Luke 13:5). Beware of “healing the wound of the people superficially, saying ‘Peace, peace, where there is no peace'” Jeremiah 6:14

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