Beautiful traditional worship album from renewed Marah

Music Review by Val Viljoen

MARAH LOUW — Marah Worships the African Way

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Marah Louw’s new gospel album comes at a time in her life when she has found a new joy and purpose in her singing talent.

After facing many challenges, Marah found herself in a place where she felt spiritually bankrupt. In turning anew to God she realized that the best use for her beautiful voice was to sing the traditional hymns she has known and loved for so long as a respected member of the Methodist Church Women’s Manyano.

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This deepening of her relationship with Jesus and her great appreciation of these hymns has culminated in an album which resonates with the joy, hope and freedom of a life in partnership with our living God.

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Listening pleasure is further enhanced by the high level of professionalism and musicality of this quality production. Excellent instrumental choice, where simplicity is key, enhances the richness of the vocals.

Tracks include beautifully and sincerely sung renditions of Ha Ke Ne Ke Itsela Ka Likhapha (It is Well With My Soul), Nkosi Sikelel’I Afrika (God Bless Africa) and The Lord’s Prayer (Bawo Wethu Osezulwilini).

This is not Marah’s first gospel album; I doubt it will be her last. I hope that on further albums Ms Louw considers doing more English vocals; but this is perhaps merely a personal preference.

One Comment

  1. Joy comes when we fulfill our God-given purposes. Thank you Marah for being obedient to the “still small voice”.

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