Bloemfontein Christians planning National Day of Repentance on September 13

Bloemfontein.“The Lord has stirred the hearts of the people in central South Africa to initiate this momentous Day (and Week) of Repentance & Reconciliation,” says Dr Arno van Niekerk, Chairman of the Steering Committee for a National Day of Repentance (NDR) to be held in Bloemfontein on Sunday, September 13.

“South Africa is a Nation desperate for God’s intervention” states the NDR Vision Document and “The Church is called to take the initiative, to lead the Nation to repentance so that healing can commence”.

In an invitation to Christian leaders and believers throughout South Africa to attend the NDR in Bloemfontein, Van Niekerk says that “confirmation around South Africa has streamed in for such a day of healing in the nation and continent” and a steering committee has been formed to arrange the event which is an initiative of the whole Body of Christ in SA.

The NDR mass event in Bloemfontein on September 13, 2015 will be preceded by a National Week of Prayer and Healing from September 7 to 12.

According to the NDR Vision Statement, aims of the initiative include:

  • To see the Nation healed and transformed, and the different components of our society
    living in Peace and worshipping the One and only true God.
  • To see the Church stand up and take her position as the Prophetic voice in the Nation,
    working together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and bringing restoration in SA.
  • To compile a document and submit it to Government to be:
    (a) implemented and taught within the Schools, to teach the youth how to live in unity with one another from an early age. This document will be based on a Godly lifestyle: that is to love one another as you love yourself. To respect others as you would like to be respected. To do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.
    (b) a proposed guideline document for the Government with regards to implementing policies, values and standards in the Nation based on Righteousness and Justice.

The vision for the NDR was birthed when “God gave a Word (Zachariah 1:1-4,10) on 17 April 2015 during a Conference held in Bloemfontein. The Word was for a corporate week and day of Repentance & Reconciliation to be organised for the Nation of South Africa. Shortly afterwards it was tested with prayer networks and leaders across SA and there was an immediate positive response. Since then agreement has streamed in from all over the Nation,” says the Vision Document.

Queries about the NDR initiative can be emailed to Rebecca Cantor, the communications manager, at

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One Comment

  1. Peter McGregor

    My heart cries out to GOD Himself, in thanks for the initiatives He is promoting within the borders of this country in particular, for these meetings cannot come too soon and I include the Parliamentary Pray meetings as well. May all our ears be attuned to the call of the LORD in this land and may we be willing to make the sacrifices needed to bring about the changes, desired of the HEART of Our Father and may the LORD Himself bless all the participants as they come before Him, in these last days.