Bloemfontein National Prayer Day logisitc details will be shared as soon as possible

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VIEW ABOVE: The latest message from Angus Buchan on the ‘It’s Time’ national day of prayer

Many people who want to be on Wilde Als farm near Bloemfontein on Saturday April 22 2017 to be part of a vision of gathering over a million Christians to pray together at one place are asking the event organisers, Shalom Ministry, for information about camping, parking and other practical details.

Other than confirming that camping facilities will be available in the area, the Shalom Team are urging people to be patient for a little while longer as they finalise arrangements for the huge event which farmer evangelist Angus Buchan called for three weeks ago.

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Mammoth task
A spokesman for Shalom said to Gateway News this week: “Please understand this is a mammoth task to organise and we just don’t want to put out incorrect info and have to retract it. We are hoping that within the next few days things will be confirmed and with that all the information will be readily available for everyone from what to bring along, to parking logistics and camping etc.”

And in an update posted on the Angus Buchan facebook page this week, Clive Tedder and the Shalom team, provide a similar assurance that the details that everybody wants will be made available soon,

“We are aware that many of you are requesting more information with regards to the It’s Time event. Please be sure that we are working together with the following organisations for the most workable solution for camping.

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“- Disaster Management
– National Roads
– Traffic Authorities
– Bloemfontein Municipality

“Please be assured that our team will inform you as soon as possible of all options that will be made available for you. We appreciate your patience in this.”

The post calls for prayer for the event.

In a video message released on Monday (See top of page) Buchan says he has never been so challenged or excited.

Directive from God
“You need to be there. I know in my heart it’s a directive from God,” he says to Christians in South Africa.

He says the event will not be livestreamed because God is not calling people to pray at home but to pray together in one place.

“You say Angus, it’s going to be inconvenient for me. Of course it is — it’s inconvenient for me as well. John Chapter 12, Verse 24: ‘Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides alone but if it dies it bears much grain’.

“We have got to go the extra mile. My dear friends, this is a critical time in our nation. We need to be together in one place at one time.”

He urges people to consider sponsoring buses and helping poor people to get to the prayer day.

Updates on event news and arrangements are being posted on the Angus Buchan Facebook page.


  1. Wonderful, praise the Lord for this initiative!
    Praying for it.

  2. Urge South Africans to attend.Our Father God will without doubt bless our beloved land if we show obedience at this time of uncertainty and stress.

  3. What time does the prayer meeting start and end?

  4. Is there a bus from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein?

  5. Hi almal, ons was vandag as n groep leiers by mekaar by n inligting sessie van Angus Buchan omtrent die IT’S TIME Nationale gebed wat op 22 April 2017 op n plaas naby Bloemfontein plaasvind. Dit is duidelik dat die omvang van die hele event so groot is dat dit net deur ons Almagtige God kan gebeur. Tot op hede is daar al meer as 18miljoen comments in twee weke op social media oor die hele event, wat dit seker die meeste maak wat al ooit vir enige iets in Suid Afrika was. Party negatief maar meeste positief. Voorspellings toon dat daar baie meer as n miljoen gelowiges by mekaar gaan kom. Daar gaan meer as 350 000 voertuie wees. Meer as 700 toilette is reeds beskikbaar gestel en daar het vandag n persoon onderneem om nog n klomp te gee. Honey Sucker trokke sal omtrent 600 000 liter sewer moet weg neem. Die area waar almal by mekaar kom om te sit is 2km lank by n half km breed. Al die busse in en om Durban is reeds uitgeboek om mense aan te ry. Daar is reeds n trein wat van Kaapstad af loop net vir die event. Van die boere in die omgewing gaan hul grond beskikbaar maak vir mense om te kamp. Kaartjies kan bespreek word op i-tickets. God is Groot! Ons eer Sy Naam. NB! Die tyd vir die event het verander om 12:00pm te begin en 14:00pm af te sluit. Dus moet ons beplan om baie vroeër daar aan te kom. Oom Angus sê dit is om mense die geleendheid te gee om voor donker in die pad te kom terug huis toe. Kom ons kom as gelowiges by mekaar om God se aangesig te soek. Blessings!

  6. Heleen Lottering

    Ons bid vir almal wat werk met beplanning en bid dat die Here ons almal veilig daar en terug sal laat reis.

  7. Carol Roestorf

    This is the most amazing event that is being organised. the sheer magnitude of numbers and getting everyone parked and seated is HUGE.
    Jesus was able to speak to 5000 people and BE HEARD. without any help from any electronic equipment and also fed by 12 people in abundance.
    Such is the Power of the Creator

  8. Ons 3 Ferreiras is in. So opgewonde.

  9. David Opperman

    Can somebody send me the GPS Co-ordinates of the gathering site or route direction for my planning.

  10. Verblyf beskikbaar(kampering met warm storte) en kosstalletjies. Slegs 1,5km vanaf Angus Buchan Prayer venue. Sien Facebook bladsy vir meer inligting by of kontak 0514334813

  11. Christel le roux

    Please can the organizers consider having busses travelling from pretoria to Bloem, the people from Limpopo have to travel to Pretoria Friday after work, we have to sleep over in Pretoria because there are no accommodation left in Bloemfontein blessings Christel

  12. God forgive us our sins please! Please have mercy on our beloved country and her people. Restore dear God restore. We need a visitation from You dear Lord Jesus.

  13. Gaan daar busse wees van Bloemfontein na die venue en terug. Park and ride?

  14. Goeie dag, Wil net uitvind. Hoe bespreek ek parkeer kaartjies?

  15. have parking tickets been organized yet?

  16. Elmarie Eksteen

    Good day
    We have accommodation near the airport and would like to know if we need to buy parking tickets for our vehicle and if so, where do I buy the tickets. I have looked at itickets, but only find tickets for camping. Please advise.

  17. Will we have to walk very far from our parking?

  18. Can we perhaps all dress up in WHITE for the upcoming event….22nd. To join our Lord’s Army? Referring to the song “We will ride”

  19. Ek ry met n fiets van Vanderbijlpark af asb kampeerplek sal waardeer word. Dankie Jesus.

  20. Ek glo dat hierdie gebeurtenis ‘n groot ommeswaai in almal se lewens gaan veroorsaak. Christene en ander.

  21. Jenny Reynolds

    My mom of 90 years old is determined to attend but cannot walk over rugged ground. Any possibility of being able to park our car in our zone area right next to where we will be sitting?

  22. Staying over in Bloem. Parking tickets? 4 persons 1 car.

  23. Willing to assist with roadside assistance where needed on this day.

    Please phone me at 076 233 1655

    Astra Towing
    076 233 1655

  24. Looking forward…..1 Cor 2:9

  25. Oom Angus dis 00:20 Sondagoggend en die Gees sê my om hierdie awesome gedeelte met u te deel vir 22 April
    HEBREËRS 12: 1-3 sooo pragtig van toepassing
    Soli Deo Gloria

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