British-funded programme promotes abortion at community clinics in SA

March for Life (PHOTO: NAL file photo).

The British-based Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is channelling funding to Stellenbosch University and the University of Cape Town medical faculty to promote abortion amongst doctors and nurses.

This pro-abortion programme, titled Leading Safe Choices (LSC), aims to desensitise doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to the reality of abortion.

Dr Judy Kluge, Head of the Family Planning Unit at Stellenbosch University, and Prof Stefan Gebhardt, Head of General Specialist Services at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, were chosen to lead the programme.

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According to an article published on the Stellenbosch University website in July 2017, pro-abortion training is being conducted at the Mowbray, Tygerberg, Khayelitsha, Mitchell’s Plain and Michael Mapongwana community clinics.

“Training includes lectures, interactive sessions where trainees practise on pelvic models and partake in group discussions, and role playing the lecture content,” South African LSC programme manager, Valerie Truby, explains.

“We want to train 150 people by the end of the year.”

Gebhardt says the RCOG has applied for funding for the next 10 years to expand the project to the rest of the Cape Town metro and the province.

These pro-abortionists seem to have noticed the pro-life stand of many doctors and nurses throughout the country, who reject perverting their healing profession to kill babies.

According to the LSC programme summary, obstetricians, gynaecologists and allied healthcare workers are “ideally positioned” to promote abortions, but “unfortunately often don’t regard this as a priority”.

The LSC aims to “increase providers’ knowledge of the abortion legislation, strengthen their capacity to provide counsel about pregnancy options, improve access to medical abortion and post-abortion contraception, and raise the providers’ standing within the profession through a professional accreditation process to address the stigma associated with abortion.”

Reading behind these pro-abortion euphemisms, this means they want to teach health professionals to lie to women and tell them that abortion is only removing a “blob of tissue”, not a baby and that abortion will help and not harm women.

Why doctors reject abortion
The real reasons why doctors, nurses and midwives reject abortion is because they understand that every abortion stops a beating heart.

They know just how awful a job it is to have to see the body parts of the dead baby that they have removed and to have to confront the women who most of the time do not want to do this but feel they have no other choice.

These health workers who refuse, have seen the emotional burnout and psychological damage their colleagues have been through.

Furthermore, being an abortionist is not consistent with the image that the medical community wants to project. While few may admit it, most realise that no one goes through the ordeal of medical school to be known as an abortionist.

Abortion is never safe — a helpless pre-born baby is killed and the mother is often physically, and always psychologically wounded (as numerous peer-reviewed studies on Post Abortion Syndrome testify).

Other physical consequences of abortion include infections, a perforated uterus or a lacerated cervix. Abortion also increases a woman’s chance of contracting breast cancer later in life.

The pre-born baby does not choose to die! The rhetoric of choice also hides the reality of coercion. Abortion is often someone else’s “choice.”

64% of American women who have had abortions felt pressured by others and this pressure is significant. A woman’s choice to keep her baby may involve loss of home, family or essential support, or abuse that can escalate to violence. Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women.

Pro-lifers uphold the sanctity of life — that every life is valuable to God and provide women with real choices (alternatives) and loving support, not just one choice — abortion — that pro-abortionists so often coerce women into choosing.

Over 62 crisis pregnancy centres and mothers’ homes across the country help women to clearly think through all their options.

Understand rights to conscientious objection
Many doctors and nurses are not aware of their constitutional right to conscientious objection and many fear that if they do object they will lose their job. Doctors for Life has detailed the legal rights of health workers to be involved in any part of abortion procedures and can provide further information:, 032 – 481 5550.

The National March for Life in Durban and life chains which will be held throughout the country, on October 1, will be one of the positive and practical ways that South Africans can stand up for the sanctity of life and speak up for the right to life of pre-born babies. National March for Life events to note are:

Durban: Sunday October 1, 2.30pm to 5pm, corner of Centenary Blvd and Zenith Drive, near Gateway Mall, Umhlanga. Organised by the National Alliance for Life. Contact: 032-481-5550 or

Cape Town: Sunday October 1, 2pm to 4pm. Buitengracht Street, near entrance to Waterfront. Organised by Africa Christian Action. Contact: 021-689-4480 or

East London: Saturday September 30: 11am to 12pm, corner of Oxford Street and St Mathew’s Roads. Contact Frans: 082-774-6649.

Organisers pray that through the life chains God will enable them to reach:

  • Mothers who are considering abortion,
  • Medical personnel who must decide whether to participate in abortions or not,
  • Christians who need to consider volunteering to work at a Crisis Pregnancy Centre,
  • Pastors who need to begin preaching on when life begins and how we are to love our pre-born neighbours,
  • Journalists who should present the other side of the abortion story,
  • Politicians who need to enact legislation to protect pre-born babies from the violence of abortion,
  • Lives that will be saved.


  1. It looks as if this has already taken place, but how can we rally churches to protest at these events? It sickens me that they come here to spread this filth under the name of women’s health.

  2. Far too many churches and Christians are silent on the issue of abortion. Our taxes also go towards funding abortion in government facilities.
    While there are those who do speak out and there are those who are involved in crisis pregnancy centres, most people are apathetic.
    One just needs to look at what’s happening in the US to see that taking a stand against abortion, exposing what it really is, is having an impact – there is a massive turnout for the March for Life.
    While the socio-economic and moral issues underlying the demand for abortion need to be addressed, so that children can grow up to make sound moral choices, the issue of abortion on demand is largely being ignored by churches in SA. When we remain silent, we are complicit.

  3. why nothing in Port Elizabeth?

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