Call for Christians to join ‘Value Life’ mission against illegal abortion advertising

Value Life mission group on an early morning outing in Parow, Cape Town last weekend. They placed about 500 ‘Value Life’ stickers over illegal abortion advertisements during the outing. Group members are (from left) Pieter Raaths, Caroline Raaths,  Pastor Paul,  Peter Throp,  Terry Throp,  Celeste Kruger,  Caryl-Ann Le Roux, Roelf Schlebusch  and his 6 year old son, Ruloph.

Resolute Cape Town pro-life activist Peter Throp is calling on Christians to take action against the evil of abortion by placing “Value Life” stickers over “the plague” of illegal abortion advertisements all over South Africa.

Throp and a small group of fellow activists wearing specially made t-shirts and armed with  A6-size stickers and pro-life leaflets, have launched the “Value Life” revival mission in Parow, an area of Cape Town where Throp says, on April 25, he saw free condoms being indiscriminately handed out to people in front of a rash of illegal abortion ads on streetlight poles.

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Terry Throp (left) and Caryl-Ann Le Roux placing stickers.

Throp who for the past two years has prayed daily from about 5am to 9am outside a city abortion clinic, said the condoms incident showed him that “our country is wounded and bleeding innocent blood simply to accommodate our self-indulgence”.

He said it seemed that authorities were reluctant to combat the backyard abortion advertising that was in breach of the ‘Termination of Pregnancy Act’ and municipal law forbidding the posting of advertisements on municipal property without authorisation.

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“They have the law on their side and if  the law were to use the RICA act and cut off the advertised contact telephone number it would render this advertising useless.”

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He said he had tried unsuccessfully to engage the former Cape Town Executive Mayor, Dan Plato, on the topic of dealing with the illegal abortion advertising problem.

The Value Life trailer which will be used to make a statement wherever God leads.

Throp believes that he and his group are acting lawfully by placing their stickers on top of the illegal abortion advertisements as they were not attaching them directly to municipal property. They were taking moral action to protect their community.

He said that unlike the illegal abortionists who put up their deceitful advertisements covertly ” we are going to wear our  T-shirts and do this mission openly”.

The mission team has also invested in a “Value Life” trailer which ” under Gods direction, we intend to drive this statement throughout our country”.

Need for repentance
In a message promoting the mission, Throp says: “We need to repent for our lack of action to the lie that it is okay to kill our defenceless brothers and sisters in the safety of their mothers wombs.”

He says it is the inaugural “Value Life” mission group’s prayer that other communities throughout South Africa will follow suit and help to reclaim the country’s value for life.

” ‘Value Life’ is not an organisation and has no hierarchy.   It has no boss. It is financed by the fellowship of individuals participating in the revival by the grace of Almighty God and by His direction alone,” says Throp.

He says: “The artwork we have may be used by anyone who wishes to have stickers made.  Maybe we could saturate our country with ‘Value Life’ stickers.”

He invited anybody who would like more information to call him at 073 280 0555.

Frans van Aardt in East London in front of a shop displaying a poster with details of a local pregnancy crisis clinic.

East London innovation
In pro-life news from other areas of South Africa, Judy van Aardt reports that Frans van Aardt and Lester Ballard from Stirling Full Gospel Worship Centre in East London, have started distributing pro-life flyers and displaying pro-life posters that include the contact details of a local pregnancy crisis centre. They ask businesses for permission to display the posters in their windows and reward a positive reply with a pro-life DVD, 180 Degrees, copied, with permission, from Living Waters Ministry in the USA.

“They are being blessed by the friendliness and willingness of most business owners and flyer recipients,” says Judy.

She says one business owner asked them why they did not remove the illegal abortion advertisements that were plastered all over the city. They replied that with extra manpower they could tackle the project.

“So if anyone is interested in helping them they are welcome to contact me at or phone 043 726 9900.  We also hold pro-life rallies twice a year, in February and October.”

PE outing
In Port Elizabeth, Nikki Vermeulen, the coordinator of a small group of Christians that has been periodically removing illegal abortion posters from poles and other structures for about a year, has invited anybody interested to join the group in an outing on Saturday morning (July 7). The group will meet at the North End Library at 8am and will work in the area until 9.30am. Each person should bring a bucket, a scraper, a spray bottle with water and extra water. Notices about the group’s meetings are regularly posted to the Nelson Mandela Bay Prayer Page facebook page.


  1. Fantastic!

    The law is on your side, you need to take it one step further and work with your local police and get these guys arrested.

    If you find the right person you can see these cases go to court and these guys (and girls) being criminally charged. This will get them off the streets and save lives.


  3. Great work Throps and Van Aardts! Crisis Pregnancy Posters (such as the one Frans van Aardt is displaying in pic) and stickers are available from Africa Christian Action:

  4. Allan Verreynne

    Well done guys! I am in full support of this pro-active initiative!

  5. Aubrey Morris

    Keep up the good work guys. We need to value life of mothers and unborn children. Abortion is very wrong…it’s sin. Many people here in Ireland are making their voice heard to prevent legistlation of Abortion. We are for Pro-Life!

  6. Jacqui Brill

    Can Nikki Vermeulen please contact me? Abortion adverts are appearing in Western Suburbs too.

  7. Annemarie Beukes

    Thank you for doing, what your doing. Nelspruit is full of pamphlets promoting abortions.

  8. i greet u in jesus how do i get involved with u my phone no 0792892395 home 031 2058549

  9. I would like to get involved in “Value Life”. Please email me as how to go about this.

    Bless you in Jesus Name

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