Call to intercessors to ‘release arrows of light and blood into enemy strongholds’

The Lord has exposed dark plans of the enemy to cause civil war in South Africa — and is calling on intercessors to expose and destroy this evil by “releasing arrows of light and blood into the enemy’s strongholds”, says Fathers Heart International Ministries in an urgent message to believers this week.

The call was prompted by recent prophetic visions received by Mirjam Horak, who together with her husband Warren, is mobilising Christians around South Africa to implement a “Revival Blueprint” strategy that God began releasing to Mirjam 10 years ago when she first came to SA from Holland.

In an excerpt from a blog post about her urgent prayer call, Mirjam writes:

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“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. — Revelation 12:11

“When we as intercessors pray we need to send His light into the darkness.

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“The Light exposes and the Blood nullifies the works of darkness.

She said there is a need to declare scriptures that speak of light being sent into darkness over the nation — and specifically highlighted Psalm 37, saying she thinks it is a word in season over SA.

In other blog excerpts she writes:  “From verse 11 it [Psalm 37] says the meek will inherit the earth. Not a political party. The meek.” and “They’re trying to birth civil war, they’re trying to conceive unrest, they want to conceive political parties that want to kill and murder and destroy.

“These strongholds are established in townships, the enemy targets the poor, exactly the ones that the Lord says He will defend –

The wicked have drawn the sword And have bent their bow, To cast down the poor and needy, To slay those who are of upright conduct. 

“Psalms 37:14

“It’s the strong arm of the Lord that’s going to release these arrows of light, and through the intercessors that will grasp and understand this, He will release His arrows of light and His blood.. it will destroy the strongholds of wickedness over our nation.

“IF WE DON’T, we will have civil war, we will have a big problem, but if we can pick up these arrows of light and say Lord… release it.. He is equipping us with armour from heaven.

“In the word for August, I saw hands building with bricks, and the Lord said to me then, that what was started by My servants years and years and years ago, I seek to finish in this land.

“It was a work of unity. It can only be done as one.”

She says the call is to take up arms in the Spirit to fight for what the Lord wants to establish in SA. The options are civil war or revival.

Mirjam also writes: “When we were singing in tongues, I could see the radars of the enemy that he uses to track movements and activity, and the radar was disturbed by it, and loses track of what it was monitoring.

“Also when singing in tongues again, I saw people who busy with great wickedness get convicted and they suddenly realized what they were doing and dropped what they were doing.”

A more full account of Mirjam’s call and visions, and comments by Warren, can be read in the full blog post.

One Comment

  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    Thank you, Mirjam for this incentive to Pray for, and Preach to, the poor in the townships. Many of us have been doing this for years, and every encouragement to each geneeration to continue to obey Jesus’ commands (Luke 18:1 and Mark 16:15) and to follow His example (Luke 4:18) must be commended. In fact it is actually not God who must do the “releasing”, but we His people who must break free from the prison of selfish comfort so that we Obey His command. May many do so!

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