Call to pray for protection of children against satanic abuse over Easter

A Port Elizabeth women who was abused by satanic parents for many years has called on Christians to pray for the safety of children over the Easter period which is a favourite time for satanic rites that mock Christ’s crucifiction.

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In a confidential interview under the supervision of a clinical psychologist who has been counseling her for 9 years, the woman (who I will call Faith) said she still experienced fear at this time of the year as she recalled being tortured by satanists at Easter time and witnessing the murder of children during sacrificial rituals.

The psychologist said that Faith suffered from dissociative identity disorder as a result of years of physical and sexual abuse by her parents, who she had finally left 12 years ago at the age of 32. She had developed a number of distinct personalities as a way of protecting herself from traumatic memories. But now that she was learning to become “co-conscious” she was dealing afresh with the pain of her past and was even experiencing physical pain in the form of “body memories”.

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Faith, who is the eldest of three siblings, said her parents portrayed a normal face to the world and attended church most Sundays. Throughout her childhood and youth her parents had told her that God was angry with her. On Satanic high days — especially over the Easter period and at Haloween — she had been taken to rites where she had been abused by her parents and other satanists. Since leaving her parents she had considered taking legal action against them but believed it would be difficult to prove their crimes and would expose her to danger. She had cut ties with them since she left their home 12 years ago. Her slow process of healing started after a Christian counsellor at a church she visited befriended her and encouraged her to seek professional help.

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Faith said she was painfully aware that this week was a time when children were at risk of abduction, abuse and even ritual murder and it frustrated her that most Christians were unaware of this evil. She called on Christians to pray earnestly for the protection of children.

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  1. Thank you to “Faith” for sharing her story and for creating awareness. I speak God’s continued healing over her life.

  2. Glory to GOD for allowing Faith to live to share such a powerful testimony! Revelations 12v11! and so SHE will overcome in JESUS matchless name. we continue to keep Faith up in prayer and join her in interceding for the protection of our children/families against these powers n principalities of darkness! Maranatha:-)

  3. Thank you Faith for speaking out and making us aware! I shall certainly be praying for ALL the children across this nation at this time. May the BLOOD of JESUS protect them!! AMEN!! – And a word of encouragement for you : the Lord SHALL make you completely WHOLE as His Word says that He is the Author and FINISHER of our faith and He came to defeat the work of the devil, to HEAL the broken hearted and set the captives FREE. Be blessed by His love for YOU !!! :-)

  4. May God give you grace and strength to overcome the fear of the past. Thank you for opening our minds. Claim the blood of Jesus and you shall be set free. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus. May the blood of Jesus set you free.Amen

  5. Denette Odendaal

    Well done Faith! God is faithful and true and just. We dont always understand it all but know He loves you.

  6. I would like to thank everyone who prayed for the safety of children over this easter weekend. I appreciate the encouraging comments above – it means a lot to me.

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