Camping booking opens for ‘It’s Time’ national prayer day event

Angus its timeFarmers near Bloemfontein have made land available for camping for multitudes of people expected to attend the ‘It’s Time’ national day of prayer on Wilde Als farm 4km outside the city on April 22.

Camping tickets costing from R100 to R150 per person — and free parking tickets — can be booked online at

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan who called the prayer day and is believing God for more than a million South Africans to attend, said it would normally take his team two years to organise such a big event but they had only a few weeks to pull it off.

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Angus Pretoria presser
Angus Buchan addresses a press conference in Preoria on Monday.

Addressing a press conference in Pretoria on Wednesday — one of several media briefings he gave this week — he said he had heard the Lord very clearly telling him to arrange such an event and felt that it was urgent to organise it as soon as possible because of the critical state of the nation.

He appealed to Christians throughout South Africa to come together in Bloemfontein to pray against corruption, violence, racism and social ills that were on the increase in South Africa.

The prayer event will be from 10am to 4pm. Buchan is expected to address the gathering from 12 noon. Available accommodation in Bloemfontein is expected to be snapped up fast and hence tent and caravan stands have been arranged on nearby farms.

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Camping guidelines
According to an announcement on Buchan’s facebook page, the camp sites will only be available from Friday to Sunday — only to people with camping tickets. The announcement says campers should bring camping and sleeping equipment, their own showering facilities, portable/camping toilets, plastic refuse bags which should be taken with them when they leave, drinking and washing water, and medical supplies. The notice says hunting and off-roading is not allowed, trailers and caravans may not be brought to the prayer event grounds but should be left at the camp grounds until after the event.

Buchan told the press conference that at the prayer venue itself, only toilet facilities will be provided. One thousand toilets were needed and 700 had already been donated. Prayers would have to bring their own food and water and camp chairs or blankets.

Audiovisual stations
There would be 27 audiovisual stations at the prayer venue so that everybody could follow proceedings, Buchan said.

“Everyone will have the opportunity to pray individually to God for this country, for our president, for the cabinet, for the nation, for the young people, for immorality, for violence, hunger –everything.

“But it will be done is an orderly manner. There will be no politician. Every single politician has been invited. No politician will stand on that platform. No church group will stand on that platform. That day Jesus Christ is going to be supreme.

“All the music will only be done in English People are going to be healed that day. I will not pray for them. They will be healed in their seats. They will be healed of fear. Fear is going to go. Anxiety, stress is going to go. ”

He said there would be no charge for the event and no collection would be taken. The projected cost of the event was R15-million.

Buchan said there would be no live-streaming of the prayer day.

“God gave us a directive to come and pray together. We can all pray in our houses. God said ‘Come together in one place, in one time.’ The point is, God is calling His people.”

Transport plans
Speaking about transport plans, Buchan said trains would be coming from Cape Town to Bloemfontein. Some were expected to arrive on April 19.

Around 380 000 cars were expected to be parked in designated parking areas. The South African Police Service would guard the prayer venue.

Appealing to South African Christians to be part of potentially the largest prayer day in South African history, Buchan said there would not be any international speakers or musicians. A local group would lead the worship.

“It [The It’s Time prayer day] is for all people. All denominations! All creeds! All colours! All ages! All genders. It is for everyone.

“My dear friends, I appeal to you now. We really need, as Christians, to stand up in South Africa. We have got to stand up and be counted. I’m talking about white South Africans, black South Africans, coloured South Africans and Indian South Africans.

“I want to be honest with you. I am quite challenged to put it mildly, because I know God is going to do something but it is going to cost us, each of us and every single one of us — farmers; farm workers, businessmen, miners, sportsmen, students, the housewife, the old granny, every single one of us.

“When we stand up as one people, God will change the paradigm and the dimensions of this country.” Buchan said.

Referring to horrific murders that were taking place — not only amongst white farmers but amongst black farmers and black and white citizens — he said it was time that Christians took a stand.

He also expressed concern about the rape and the abuse of women and children — especially black women and children. Nobody seemed to be saying anything about the rape and abuse, he said.

“If God can bring rain, God can also stop the violence, but there needs to be a change of heart especially amongst believers. Only Jesus Christ can save this nation and He will save it if people call on Him,” Buchan said.

‘Last chance’
He said he really believed the national prayer gathering was the last chance to bring normality back to South Africa. He urged people to cancel all their meetings and engagements on Saturday April 22 and to travel to Bloemfontein to pray together.

In a comment posted below last week’s prayer day report in Gateway News, a reader who attended a leaders’ briefing session with Buchan gives some insight into the scale of the event. He writes: “Hi almal, ons was vandag as n groep leiers by mekaar by n inligting sessie van Angus Buchan omtrent die IT’S TIME Nationale gebed wat op 22 April 2017 op n plaas naby Bloemfontein plaasvind. Dit is duidelik dat die omvang van die hele event so groot is dat dit net deur ons Almagtige God kan gebeur. Tot op hede is daar al meer as 18miljoen comments in twee weke op social media oor die hele event, wat dit seker die meeste maak wat al ooit vir enige iets in Suid Afrika was. Party negatief maar meeste positief. Voorspellings toon dat daar baie meer as n miljoen gelowiges by mekaar gaan kom. Daar gaan meer as 350 000 voertuie wees. Meer as 700 toilette is reeds beskikbaar gestel en daar het vandag n persoon onderneem om nog n klomp te gee. Honey Sucker trokke sal omtrent 600 000 liter sewer moet weg neem. Die area waar almal by mekaar kom om te sit is 2km lank by n half km breed. Al die busse in en om Durban is reeds uitgeboek om mense aan te ry. Daar is reeds n trein wat van Kaapstad af loop net vir die event. Van die boere in die omgewing gaan hul grond beskikbaar maak vir mense om te kamp. Kaartjies kan bespreek word op i-tickets. God is Groot! Ons eer Sy Naam. NB! Die tyd vir die event het verander om 12:00pm te begin en 14:00pm af te sluit. Dus moet ons beplan om baie vroeër daar aan te kom. Oom Angus sê dit is om mense die geleendheid te gee om voor donker in die pad te kom terug huis toe. Kom ons kom as gelowiges by mekaar om God se aangesig te soek. Blessings!”


  1. Suzette van Rooyen

    Thank you Jesus for the obedience of Angus Buchan. You have promised that if Your people who are called by
    Your name would humble themselves and pray, you would heal our land. Our nation desperately needs healing and as we are obedient to the call, the prophetic destiny of our nation of will be established.

  2. At R100 per person per night I would expect a minimum of showers toilets and drinking water, they are charging R100 per person for a patch of ground. No water. No toilets no showers. Sounds like they are trying to cash in on christ

    • This is a very unfair comment, Jasper

    • Jasper I will pay for you. No need then for you to worry about the money. God is great and we need tomunite as a nation! Jesus is the only awnser!

    • Dit is darem snaaks dat as ons gaan picnic of in die natuur gaan afskakel dat geriewe ons nie pla nie maar as daar R100 gevra word ter voorbereiding vir God se woord, kla ons. Bid saam ons by jou huis waar jy al jou geriewe het wat deur God se genade aan jou geskenk is

    • Jasper, obvious you don’t read the invitation correctly. God died on the cross for you Jasper without water, toilet or shower

  3. God bless this prayer day.

  4. Angus said time and time again is free no cost, why now R100 per person. Please as it is I trying to make plans to get there on what I have.

  5. Johan Geldenhuys

    Ohhh my hemel. Ek kan nie somige mense glo. Ek hoop julle voel skaam om te moan oor n R100. Wat het GOD gedink die dag toe hy gekruisig was vir ons sondes….. Ag nee die mensekinders is nie die mooite werd. Ek sal maar hier afklim en huistoe gaan want hier nie water en n stort nie.

  6. Renska Deetlefs

    Wonder of daar water,storte en toilette in die woestyn was toe die Israeliete dag vir dag per voet moes trek na die Beloofte land toe? Kom ons raak ernstig en gryp aan die genade-tou wat hier vir ons as land uitgegooi word. Hierdie is ‘n gunstige tyd wat uit die hemel aangekondig is! Moenie dat dit by jou verbygaan nie!! Kom Suid-Afrika! God besoek jou!

  7. Tinus Coetzee

    We have organised two 65 seater busses for this event. I cannot find where and how to get the tickets for parking, or directions. Can anyone please help me?

  8. Hi weet enige iemand of ons vir kinders onder 12 ook betaal vir die kamp? Baie dankie…

  9. Kathy Hartley

    We need our hearts right on that day, BEFORE we pray. If you’re going to moan, don’t come. This will be spiritual warfare. Be joyful. God is going to move.

  10. Pete Neethling

    Wonder of iemand weet van n bus of trein van Kaap na Bfn of dalk n groepie wat saam wou opry na die naweek?

  11. Marina van Oudtshoorn

    Wat is die naam van die roete na die plaas? N1?



    • Hi Arlene ons het nog plek op die oornag bus wat uit somerset wes vertrek. Sal julle in Worcester wil opklim. Cell no 0845136464

  13. Jeanne Silver-Watson

    O ek weet net dis is die Here God wat hierdie ding laat gebeur. Die Here het my in 2002 gewys wat gaan gebeur as Hy nie n wonderwerk doen nie en dit kan net gebeur deur wat Oom Angus nou doen.

  14. May God touch each & every one of us & may our heart be filled with only love & compassion for each other!!
    May He remove all hate & wickedness out of each & every heart!
    May He soften all hearts of stone, so that only love can remain!
    Thank You Jesus Christ, for this awesome opportunity!!

  15. Hi there i would like to know if provision has been made for parking space for local bloemfontein an surrounding areas.specially for people not going to camp but will atyemd on the day and return home afer the seems there is a bit of confision about this point.God bless.

  16. Op die i-tickets webwerf is die pryse aangedui as R50 per kop vir die kamp. Die byeenkoms kos niks.Hierdie is vir mense wat nie akkomodasie het nie en wat moet kamp.
    Kliek op PLACE ORDER aan linkerkant van venster.

  17. Ek glo uit my hart uit dat die Geoeie
    Vader ‘n “Meeting” het met al sy gelowiges. Daar is baie van ons wat met verwagting gaan om die seen van God te ontvang. Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees dat Hy baie van ons sal aanraak, genees en geestelik sal vernuwe. Ek sien uit om Jesus te ontmoet. Ek weet waar my hulp vandaan kom!!!! Die Here wat hemel en aarde geskep het! Halleluja!!!

  18. Ons is 4 persone met 2 voertuie vir kampering…Is dit voldoende om slegs een bespreking te maak?

  19. We still have space on our bus leaving from Somerset West to the Its Time Event

    • As jul nog plek beskikbaar het vir 2 persone vanaf Worcester sal ons baie dankbaar wees. 083 380 3939

  20. Is daar dalk nog enige vervoer beskikbaar vir 2 persone van Worcester en terug ? 083 380 3939

  21. Ons God is Groot

  22. Goeie middag, weet iemand van plek vir 2 vanaf Stellenbosch? Vertrou asb saam vir die nodige finasies …

  23. Ek het Psm 47 gekry na gebed vir die event. Prys die Here…wat ‘n bevestiging!!! Diegene wat begeer om ook te gaan maar weens omstandighede nie kan nie…onthou dat die Here ‘n agterlaer van gebed ook nodig het, so bid vir diegene wat wel daar gaan wees se beskerming en vrymaking. Wees gegroet in Jesus Naam.

  24. do we bring our own chairs?

  25. SOOO spyt ons kon nie voortydig daar kamp nie.Voor Moses op die berg geklim het was daar al n manifestasie van GOD. HY is reeds besig in Bloem. (Daar was ook nie toilet of stort op die berg) KOM SOOS JY IS !!!!

  26. Magrietha de Klerk

    Waarvoor gaan die geld?

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