Africa News

Release of Christians in Eritrea raises hopes for religious freedom, says persecuted-Church missionary in SA

Reports that the Eritrean government has released 27 Christian prisoners of faith raises hopes for the release of other church leaders who still remain behind bars, says Filmon Tesfai, a fugitive from Eritrea and missionary with Voice of the Martyrs (VoM) South Africa. “These believers stayed from two to 16 […]

Sudan agrees with rebels to remove Islam as state religion

By Jayson Casper — Originally published in Christianity Today In signing successive peace deals with entrenched rebel movements last week, Sudan drew upon the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. “The constitution should be based on the principle of ‘separation of religion and state,’” read the text of an agreement between the […]

Christians dying as corruption prolongs terrorist scourge in Nigeria — Elizabeth Kendal

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin — by Elizabeth Kendal Despite being resource-rich and having the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria has more people living in poverty than any other country on earth. To Nigeria’s shame, more than 102 million Nigerians live in poverty, which is more than twice the number in India […]