
African Enterprise celebrating 60th anniversary with citywide missions

This month ministry organisation African Enterprise is celebrating 60 years of evangelising the cities of Africa through mission in Word and deed in partnership with local churches. Founded by evangelist Michael Cassidy when he was in his early 20s, AE has played a pivotal role in Africa bringing peace and reconciliation […]

Doctors For Life steps in to provide healthcare to KZN flood victims

By Gerda Potgieter Doctors For Life International (DFL) stepped in last weekend to provide emergency healthcare to flood victims in Nhlungwane Extension, in KwaMashu, KwaZulu-Natal. More than 57 families, including 23 children have been displaced in the remote Nhlungwane area and are being accommodated in the local community hall. Not […]

KZN pastors participate in campaign to ‘build bridges’ after violence

By Jennifer Charlton Although stories dominating the headlines concerning KZN reflect political division, mayhem and murder, that is not the complete picture. In contrast, there are many wonderful stories of ordinary people reaching out to help each other and build bridges. Church leaders in the violence-stricken areas of Phoenix, Inanda, […]

Umvoti community learn ‘It’s KHULA to clean up!’

aQuellé, together with KwaSizabantu Mission and community members embarked on an innovative clean-up initiative in the Umvoti area in KwaZulu-Natal last Saturday.. About 500 people, including local councillors from Umvoti and Maphumulo participated in the exercise which formed part of an “It’s KHULA to share” campaign aimed at introducing a […]