Hundreds join Durban march for biblical values

Hundreds of Christians participated in a march in Durban today called by the Concerned Young People of South Africa

Hundreds of people joined a public march in central Durban today initiated by the Concerned Young People in South Africa (CYPSA) to boldly declare faith in Jesus and highlight the need for society to return to biblical values.

The match started at King Dinizulu Park (opposite Durban Christian Centre) at 11am and proceeded along West Street (Dr Pixley kaSeme Street) to the Durban City Hall where a memorandum was handed to the mayor of Durban in the afternoon.

“The end of 2021 is the perfect time for a march for Jesus because people are ready for new resolutions at the start of a new year. Nothing brings unity like our faith and the hope is that this march will bring back hope and a zest for life to all South Africans,” says CYPSA in a press release.

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Marcher proclaim their faith in God

The memorandum, titled ‘South African Youth Declaration on Human Rights and Freedom of Choice” warns of threats to religious freedom despite a Christian majority as SA embraces an increasingly liberal agenda. It also points to social ills such as gender-based violence and sexual crimes exacerbated by pornography and drug abuse. Declining education standards linked to inappropriate foreign curricula forced on schools, rising crime, economic woes and poverty, censorship and stifling of debate, and corruption are listed as further concerns about trends in the nation.

“We are here to remind our leaders and country that our faith and hope are unshakable. We stand firm on our Christian values and Biblical principles. We believe that Christ is the answer to South Africa’s social ills and if we know the remedy, why should we remain silent?”

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  1. This is the beginning of serious business of God. ” Do business until I come”

  2. There are so many people out there seeking for hope and forgiveness of sins. If we know the remedy, why should we remain silent?

  3. Simon P P Martheze

    Awesome, bold and powerful statement of faith. Well done fellow believers in Durban. May this voice be amplified in our nation until every evil agenda and plan come down, in Jesus name. Amen.

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