
Joint campaign to bring relief to city-centre shack dwellers hit by Pretoria violence

By Golda Meyer The plight of more than 200 Pretoria city-centre residents who were left destitute after recent outbreaks of xenophobic violence in the area, gave birth to a joint relief movement called #ServeYourCity. Various NGO’s and churches teamed up with the city management to find solutions to the disaster and […]

Networking session for Christian women entrepreneurs in Durban

Women entrepreneurs are resilient in their challenging entrepreneurial journey but more support is needed to propel them to even higher levels. So says Dr Natanya Meyer, an entrepreneur and lecturer at the North-West University’s (NWU) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ahead of a networking session in Durban where the Christian […]

Decades after encounter with Messiah brothers are at forefront of move of God in Israel

The growth in the number of Jews in Israel who recognise Jesus as their Messiah represents the beginning of spiritual resurrection in the nation, say pioneering Messianic leaders Benjamin and Reuven Berger. Andre Viljoen interviewed them in Jerusalem last week at the 4th Africa Leadership Summit attended by leaders from […]

Tanzanian official orders night clubs to give slots to preachers

Originally published in UG Christian News A top Tanzanian official has instructed nightclub owners in the capital, Dar es Salaam to allocate 30 minutes to church leaders interested in frequently conducting preaching sessions at their venues. According to the EastAfrican Newspaper, Dar es Salaam regional commissioner Paul Makonda said church […]

US surgeon general confirms Doctors For Life’s stance on dagga

The US surgeon general Jerome Adams, together with top public health officials, have made a series of announcements about the dangers of dagga (cannabis or marijuana), particularly for pregnant women and youth, says Doctors For Life International (DFL) in a media release. DFL says it was delighted and encouraged that […]