
Overflow Jesus Conference in Durban

Durban Christian Centre’s Overflow Jesus Conference begins on Sunday (July 2) finishing on Wednesday July 5 in the Jesus Tent, in Mayville Durban. The featured speakers are Apostle Harunah Goroh, formerly from Nigeria but who now has a thriving church in Windhoek, Namibia; Pastor Nick van der Westhuizen, from Johannesburg, Dr […]

Parliamentary committee invites FOR SA to make full presentation on objections to religious regulation proposals

Parliamentary portfolio committees this week heard the conflicting views of the CRL Rights Commission and the religious sector — represented by Freedom of Religion SA (FOR SA) — on how to deal with commercialisation of religion and other abuses in the religious arena. At a workshop at parliament on Tuesday […]

Inspirational Wayde runs another world-best

Inspirational athlete and outspoken Jesus-follower Wayde van Niekerk, 24, did it again —  as he set a new world-best time for the 300m at the Ostrava Golden Spike yesterday, surpassing  world-bests by Michael Johnson for the second time in less than a year. His 30.81 seconds at Ostrava broke Johnson’s […]

Court says public schools may not promote a particular religion — but religious observances allowed

Originally published in A mere six weeks after the case was argued in court, the Johannesburg High Court this morning delivered its much-anticipated judgment in the case of OGOD v six public schools regarding religion in schools. REACTION TO RULING FEDSAS The Federation of Governing Bodies of South Africa […]

CRL meeting with parliament today on state silencing of religion

Despite serious concerns expressed by the South African faith community, the CRL Rights Commission is heading to parliament today (Tuesday June 27) to present their final report on the “Commercialisation of Religion and Abuse of People’s Belief Systems” to several portfolio committees, says Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) in […]