
TopTV porn channel hearings

A public hearing into TopTV’s latest application to launch three 24 hours pornographic television channels will be held in Johannesburg on Thursday, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) says in a notice released today. Organisations that will present submissions at the hearing at Icasa’s offices in Sandton are […]

Benny Hinn remarriage ‘a miracle’

By Steve Strang — Originally published in Charisma News Evangelist Benny Hinn and his ex-wife Suzanne were remarried on Sunday after being divorced since 2011. The Hinns’ divorce was widely reported and represented the latest of several high-profile Christian leaders who have recently divorced. Pastor Jack Hayford, Suzanne’s father Roy […]

Budget: treading water rather than making real progress — CPLO

[notice]Mike Pothier, research coordinator of the Catholic Parliamentary Liaision Office (CPLO) of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, responds to today’s budget speech.[/notice] ‘Conservative’, ‘prudent’, ‘no surprises’, ‘solid’, ‘not rocking the boat’ – these were the most common descriptions of the 2013/14 budget; just as they have been for the […]