
Nuusflits oor Belhar-Belydenis

Die NG Kerk se Algemene Sinode het vanmiddag besluit om die kerkordelike proses te begin wat tot die insluiting van die Belhar-Belydenis in die belydenisgrondslag van die NG Kerk kan lei. Per besluit moet twee-derdes van kerkrade Belhar met ‘n twee-derde stem goedkeur, waarna al die streeksinodes dit ook moet […]

Convention will encourage Christian teachers to rediscover calling

Teachers and principals attending the third National Christian Teacher’s convention in Bloemfontein from Saturday (October 1) to Tuesday (October 4) will be encouraged to rediscover a sense of calling in their work. Christian educators, especially in Government schools, often felt isolated and discouraged, and the convention hosted by the Foundation […]