[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships. In today’s column Neziswa interviews Mrs South Africa 2013, Fikile Mekgoe.[/notice] Marriage is about building a life together with your spouse. It is similar to building a house. The building process does not take a day. It takes planning, finding the builders, laying […]
Former Mrs SA shares on looks, life and marriage
[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships. In today’s column Neziswa interviews Mrs South Africa 2013, Fikile Mekgoe.[/notice] When I was growing up it was a known fact that annually towards the end of the year our country would have a new Miss South Africa. Most girls with their mothers […]
Take stock and catch the little foxes
[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] Major companies go through a time of stocktaking. They do that so that they know how much stock of each of their products they have and how much they need to buy. They do stocktaking to know where they are in their […]
Creative baby safe ministry saving lives
Originally published in Mission Network News In South Africa, it’s not uncommon to find dead babies in plastic bags at the local dump. It usually happens about twice a month, according to Operation Mobilization. “The babies that are found are usually in buckets, old tires, or containers,” Patience Maselela told OM […]
Still together in a ‘Heaven on earth’ marriage
[notice]A monthly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] 21 April 2001 was the day I got married to my beloved sweetheart!!!!!!!The moment the pastor pronounced us as husband and wife something shifted in our relationship. From that moment I was more than his friend I was his helpmeet. He was […]
Valentine’s Day message and smile
May you be blessed this day. Here is a message from the One who is Love:“I have loved you with an everlasting love.I have drawn you with unfailing kindess.”— Jeremiah 31:3 Cartoon originally published by WND
Time to tend garden of relationships
[notice]A new monthly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice]It’s a beginning of a new year and all of us make resolutions. We might not necessarily call them “resolutions” but we all find ourselves taking stock of where we are in life and we RESOLVE to do something to improve how […]
Marie Stopes launches new campaign to target youth
Abortion clinic chain Marie Stopes, in partnership with tertiary institutions and the Department of Health, is launching a campaign aimed at ‘indoctrinating schools, colleges and universities about sexuality, contraceptives and abortion under the auspices of “reproductive health”,’ reports Africa Christian Action (ACA). Leader of Marie Stopes’ Blue Light Campaign, Ndi Mumbengegwi, […]
Gay marriage movement stifling freedom of speech — writers
Originally published in Lifesite News While pro-family advocates have noted the incredible rate at which the homosexualist movement has gained the political upper hand in the last five years, others are voicing concern about the shrinking “social space” in the public discourse for those who still object to “gay marriage.” […]
Marriage and family life on decline in SA — SAIRR
Family life in South Africa is characterised by a decline in marriage, and marked increases in the number of single-parent households, children growing up without a father, orphaned children, and teenage pregnancy. This is according to updated statistics published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in the most […]