Originally published in Breaking Israel News On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of ambassadors from several of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) countries that Israeli intelligence had prevented “several dozen major terrorist attacks” on European cities, including some 9-11 type plots that “involved civil aviation”. “When we […]
Middle East
Western Wall prayers for rain answered
Originally published in Breaking Israel News He shall be like a tree planted by waters, sending forth its roots by a stream: It does not sense the coming of heat, its leaves are ever fresh; it has no care in a year of drought, it does not cease to yield […]
Protests in Iran: What does it mean?
Anti-government protests in Iran have entered their second week. The Iranian government is a major sponsor of global terrorism and is committed to the destruction of Israel. It is a nuclear threat and a persecutor of Christians. Yet, reportedly Christianity is growing faster in Iran than anywhere else in the […]
New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump
Originally published in The Jerusalem Post A train station that will be built not far from the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump. Transportation Minister Israel Katz said on Wednesday: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name […]
Prophecy fulfilled: Is 2017 really the start of jubilee for Israel?
Originally published in Charisma News The United Nations Security Council met on Monday in an attempt to reverse President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It’s the latest development in a long history involving the holy city. President Trump’s declaration continues to reverberate throughout the Middle East and […]
102-year-old Holocaust survivor’s emotional reunion with nephew
Originally published in CBN News A 102-year-old Holocaust survivor had thought his entire family had been killed during World War II until he met he recently meet his nephew. Eliahu Pietruszka had fled to the Soviet Union from Warsaw, Poland in 1939 as the war erupted. He was 24 at […]
Theresa May emphatically rejects call to apologise for Balfour Declaration
Originally published in Times of Israel British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday said she would “absolutely not” apologise for the 1917 Balfour Declaration which paved the way for the establishment of the “most extraordinary” State of Israel, while noting that the document’s vision of Jewish-Arab coexistence remained “unfinished business.” […]
Egypt’s President Sissi holds historic meeting with US Evangelical Christians
Originally published in Haaretz Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi met on Wednesday with a group of leading evangelical Christian activists from the United States at his office in Cairo, where they discussed the fight against ISIS, the prospects for peace between Israel and the Arab world and the situation of […]
Religion and morality drive Israeli-Palestinian conflict, say media experts
IMAGE: Shutterstock via BCN. CHRISTIAN MEDIA SUMMIT, JERUSALEM Originally published in Breaking Israeli News The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a “religious, spiritual and moral conflict,” said David Parsons, vice president and senior international spokesman for the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ), on Tuesday. “If you ignore that, then you ignore […]
Israel’s prime minister calls on christian journalists to stand for Iran’s persecuted believers
CHRISTIAN MEDIA SUMMIT, JERUSALEM Originally published in Charisma News Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on a group of Christian journalists to put a spotlight on the persecution of Christians under Iran’s Islamic regime. Speaking at the first Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said it’s time to speak out […]