Chance to join second global communion event tonight

Originally published in CBN News

In response to the first Global Communion Service held earlier this month, US prophetic leader Dr Joshua Fowler has announced a second online event titled Global Communion Service 2.0. and the CBN News YouTube channel will carry the event live beginning at 3pm EDT in the US (9pm South African time/ Central African Time) this evening (Thursday April 30). Just return to this story to watch the live event.

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You can also watch the event as it is live-streamed on Fowler’s Facebook page and his YouTube channel.

Fowler is the CEO of AwakeTheWorld. He lives in Dallas, Texas, and is a national and international speaker and author. In an email to CBN News, he explained why he scheduled this event.

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“Recently, the Lord told me that we need to return to His table in thanksgiving for what He has done!” he noted. “We’ve heard from hundreds of thousands from over 60 nations who were encouraged by the first global communion. Many of which said they were healed and received hope from all of the leaders who ministered. We’ve also received numerous requests to continue leading the nations in Global Communion.”

“In another prophetic word that I shared during the first Global Communion on April 8 the Lord said: ‘These are the days of the great return. The great outpouring. These are the days of the great awakening, declares the Lord’,” Fowler said.

“‘Nations will stand in awe of Me. Whole nations will return to me. Watch and see you’ll see it on the news. They’ll bow before me –broadcasters, kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, ballplayers. For even in this hour I will cause those that are in Hollywood those that are actors and athletes, they will pause during this time’,” he continued. “‘Because they do not have time to do what they have done to cover up their nakedness. Now they will see their nakedness and they will realise the need that they have for my presence. That they can only be clothed by presence’.”

“We’ve witnessed many of these things prophesied taking place in the last few weeks! One of the leaders who were a part of the first global communion, Bishop Harry Jackson went to the Oval Office on Good Friday. In an unprecedented manner, President Trump acknowledged the Lord Jesus and our need for Him. Then Bishop Jackson prayed an anointed prayer!” the pastor explained.

“The Queen of England and Prince Charles both made declarations of our need for the Lord. The presidents of South Africa and Brazil both led their nations in prayer. A broadcaster bowed his head and asked Bishop TD Jakes to pray! It’s happening, Awakening is Here!” he added.

Fowler has added a powerful line-up of spiritual leaders to celebrate communion together, including:

  • Patricia King
  • Lance Wallnau
  • Samuel Rodriguez
  • Real Talk Kim
  • Jason Lee Jones
  • Will & Dehavillan Ford


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