Chaplain jeered for praying at town hall meeting turns the other cheek

rowdy meeting
Residents attend a town hall meeting in Metairie, Louisiana on Feb. 22, 2017. [PHOTO: YouTube]
“I was simply praying in the name of a very real person named Jesus who says to love your enemies, care for the poor, and turn the other cheek,” said All Louisiana State chaplain Michael Sprague.

He was responding to the response when he prayed in the name of Jesus at a town hall meeting where an angry mob reacted violently and caused a commotion, reports Christian Today.

Sprague who prayed at a meeting hosted by US Senator Bill Cassidy last week said he was saddened by the lack of honour and respect for God but he was not mad at the people who began heckling the service when he had barely said the name “Jesus”.

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“In fact, with every single person there, I would love to pray with them that that if they get tired of this old life, they would hear Jesus say the words, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” he said.

The chaplain continued to conduct the prayer despite the negative response. But the heckling continued even as an unidentified Vietnam War veteran led the group to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

“Pray on your own time. This is our time,” someone shouted. “Amen. Let’s get on with it.”

Some argued about the “separation of church and state.” At one point, one person shouted the name “Lucifer” and accused Sprague of being a “Nazi.”

“I’ve never been shouted down throughout a time of prayer like that,” Sprague later reflected. “I’ve never been in a situation like that. It’s sad there wasn’t honour and respect for God.”

He said most of the people at the meeting were unruly throughout the event. However, he said he is not angry at them. “I’m not mad at people. My heart is bigger than that,” he said. “My heart’s prayer is that everybody be treated with dignity and respect.”

What he is upset about is how the Vietnam War veteran was mistreated. “There was a lot of shouting. Some turned their backs. Many didn’t stand or put their hand on their heart,” he said.

He said it is clear that America is in dire need of a spiritual awakening.


  1. very sad. People have been stupefied by Satan.

  2. Beleve we are living in the last days and the Coming of the Lord Jesus isn’t far away though no one knows the day or the hour.

  3. A sign of the times.Those left behind at the time of the rapture of the Church will get a rude wake-up call

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