Christian beliefs and freedoms under attack in SA

Defending family, faith and freedom

On August 9, 2013 South Africa celebrates Women’s Day. Although there have been significant political advances for women in the country, there still remain many formidable challenges.

A special Women’s Day event will be hosted at the His People Centre, Cape Town on August from 09h00 – 12h30 to honour the incredible role women play in society. The event will also raise the much needed funding for vital ministries like the Thembalitsha Foundation and Family Policy Institute.

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The jam-packed programme will feature a “Vintage Fashion Show,” music by the talented Audrey Mbuyazi, Talk by Beauty Care owner Jean Guthrie, snacks & tea and a gift for each lady.

If you’re in Cape Town on ‘Women’s Day’ and have not made any plans, please consider joining hundreds of Christian women as they celebrate godly women in South African society.

Tickets for this wonderful event are just R100 and are available at the door or at Computicket.

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It appears the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has set its sights on the Christian Church. Recently, the Commission launched an “investigation” of Creare Training Centre – a ministry of ‘Our Father’s Home’ Church in Bloemfontein – for allegedly discriminating against homosexuals.

And although there was no actual case of discrimination against homosexuals, the SAHRC found Creare guilty of “discrimination” because of their Scriptural belief that homosexuality is a sin.

The SAHRC appear to take issue with Creare’s belief that “homosexuality is contrary to the divine will” and effectively ruled they cannot hold this Biblical view of sexual sin.

Corporal punishment ‘investigation’
Emboldened by that ruling, the SAHRC has now launched another “investigation” of a Christian Church for its Scriptural view of corporal punishment. This recent attack on religious freedoms and beliefs follows Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini’s recent call to outlaw spanking.

In this case, the SAHRC takes issue with the Church’s support of “spare the rod spoil the child.”

Incidentally, I will participate in a television debate on this issue on “Judge for Yourself” with Judge Denis Davis on eNCA. The programme will be recorded on August 13 and broadcast shortly thereafter.

The increasing attacks on religious freedoms, particularly Christian religious freedoms and beliefs should be cause for great concern. Like freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, religious freedoms is fundamental to the growth and stability of South Africa’s democracy.

It appears as if the SAHRC is being used as a blunt instrument to bludgeon the Bible-believing Christian Church into submission. I may be wrong, but I have not heard of similar investigations by the Human Rights Commission into the beliefs and practises of other faith groups in SA.

Significantly, however, I have met with senior Christian denominational and Church leaders in Pretoria recently to discuss the alarming rise of anti-Christian bigotry in South Africa.

A “Charter for Religious Rights and Freedoms” was developed by Christian legal experts to specifically counter the abuse of power we are currently experiencing with the SAHRC “investigations.”

South Africa cannot claim to be a free and democratic nation if religious freedoms are trampled upon. That is why it is essential the Christian Church stand united against this abuse of authority.

The Christian Church is the guardian of divine truth. You and I must defend this truth at all cost!

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  1. So what do you want me to do?

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