Christian broadcaster’s studio firebombed in Jerusalem

Studio destroyed (PHOTO: Daystar/CBN).

Originally published in God Reports

An arsonist threw a firebomb into Daystar’s Jerusalem studio as they were putting the finishing touches on renovations, destroying much of the facility.

Daystar had been remodelling their studio overlooking Mount Zion and the Mount of Olives when it was hit Saturday morning, May 18th, according to a report by CBN News.

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“The control room I would say is probably totally devastated,” contractor Dave Sharett told CBN. “The controls actually start here with the electric panel, the main electric panel and anything plastic are totally melted.”

“It was like a beautiful living room set up, real casual, nice chairs, stools, tables, nothing survived. If it didn’t burn, it melted,” he added.

Their Jerusalem studio first launched in October 2009.

View from studio (PHOTO: Daystar/CBN).

The renovation project was in the final two weeks, with contractors putting the final touches on a smaller green room and an enlarged balcony to meet a June 1st deadline.

Sharett sees God’s hand prevailing, despite the destruction.

“I believe that God has a reason and a purpose and at the very least he’ll redeem what has happened here. So, these ashes will raise up, be raised up and proclaim the glory of God,” he said.

Daystar vowed to resume their work and requested prayers of protection for their ongoing broadcast activities.


  1. The ashes will be raised up to the glory of God!

  2. Masamuel Takama

    Luke 4:18

    Psalm 29

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