Christian villagers in India brutally beaten for refusing to denounce Jesus

Originally published by Voice of the Martyrs

On August 15 11 Christians were brutally attacked by anti-Christian activists in Adnadhi village, the Badwani district of Madhya Pradesh.

During the incident, a mob of nearly 250 people, led by the village mukya (chief), physically assaulted the Christians for refusing to denounce Jesus. Of the 11 attacked, four sustained serious internal injuries and are being treated at a local hospital.

According to reports, the village chief summoned the village Christians at 4pm on the evening of the attack, to an area where the large mob had already assembled. When the Christians arrived, the village chief threatened them and told them to either leave Jesus or leave the village.

When the Christians refused to renounce Jesus, the mob immediately started to beat the Christians with both their hands and stones. Eventually, the incident was reported to the local police, however, the authorities refused to file a complaint against the attackers.

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Adnadhi village has a total of 15 Christian families who accepted Jesus as Lord nearly 20 years ago, according to local sources.

Although there was an opposition soon after their conversion, the recent attack came as a complete shock, leaving the families shattered. Anti-Christian attacks in Madhya Pradesh have increased since the enactment of anti-conversion laws implemented by the BJP led government. Historically, whenever a law like this is introduced in any Indian state, violence against religious minorities follows. Authorities in India must do more to bring radicals to justice and provide Indian Christians with their religious freedom rights guaranteed by India’s constitution.

Let us pray:

  • Pray the Lord’s merciful healing hand will be upon those who have suffered physical and emotional trauma as a result of the attack.
  • Pray the Lord will strengthen the believers to help them overcome shock and distress. Pray they will not have a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
  • Pray for those responsible, that they may be blessed with an opportunity to hear the Gospel and be transformed by the Lord’s merciful love and forgiveness.

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