City Harbor: Music review

cityharborMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


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It is a fantastic thing to witness the handy work of God Almighty in us humans don’t you think?  By His grace we all start out the same way, then step by step the journey progresses.  First comes the gurgles and sitting up for the first time and physically mastering the ability of turning your head or even holding it up…  we progress to crawling, walking and before we know it the running in the treadmill of life just happens almost by itself. 

By His grace we are sometimes allowed the privilege of discovering the gifts and talents as placed inside of us by our Loving Father.  If we go through life with our eyes wide open and we are hungry enough, we will start to see a bigger picture.  This picture will show us that there is a world that is hurting, desperately in need of a Savior.  When we look through the lens of eternity, we might see how actually insignificant many of the things are that we keep ourselves busy with as we all receive the same amount of hours in a day.  So how do we apply what we have been given to make the Kingdom Come here on earth? 

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CITY:  A Place where people gather.  HARBOR:  A place of refuge and comfort. 

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We look around us and then we pray “Here I am Lord, send me”.  Keep in mind that the “sending” might be to your neighbor across the road or the somewhat rude colleague in the office next to yours.  No, you have not landed on the blog of a philosopher, you have bumped into an ordinary woman and mother, moved by the power that is released here on earth when mere mortals such as us, discover their gifts and gives it back to the Giver of those, just to cooperate with Him and then become witnesses of the Kingdom of God coming on earth.

Let me introduce you to CITY HARBOR.  This dynamic duo was drawn together by a passion and vision for authentic music that would touch a hopeless and desperate generation.  Molly Reed, married to Mike Grayson, has discovered that she has the gift of songwriting in addition to her beautiful voice, and has applied this in writing songs for Amy Grant and Francesca Battistelli to name a few. Robby Earle had his own humble beginnings in church where he was ‘trained up’ for this journey.

My first thoughts about the album when I started listening, was that this is refreshing with very relevant lyrics that would touch the heart of someone who have discovered the love of Jesus as well as the person who has not yet been introduced.  Two of the songs on the album that has graced this duo with a few turns on the US Music charts are “Somebody Tell Them” and “Come However You Are”.  These have received airtime on Christian as well as Commercial Radio Stations. 

Robby:  “In the midst of so much darkness, it’s so incredible to sing about what’s good and true. We all have this need, this insatiable longing for something more.”

Let’s go out and find those that need the love we have found…

Let the worshipper in you arise!  

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