Days of lockdown: Lessons learned from Daniel´s story in the Bible — Adele Tjale

The spiritual battle confronting Daniel during his 21-day fast (Daniel 10) was instituted by the Prince of Persia on a matter that had nothing to do with him. This was a child of God seeking personal answers from the Father. God the Father, in His faithfulness, answered Daniel, as revealed by the angel. The angel said: “From the first day you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard.” — Daniel 10:12.

The devil is a thief. He immediately sent his destructive forces to fight the righteous angel bringing the answer to Daniel. Michael, the chief prince, came to help. The angel touched Daniel who was riddled with fear, while in heaven. Daniel was known as a man who was highly valued by God. The angel had to deal with the spirit of fear first. He declared peace and commanded Daniel to be strong and blessed him with “chazak”. Daniel was overwhelmed by fear, and was totally oblivious of his need for strength and courage. (“Chazak” is a Hebrew word for strength. It is the same word we find in Joshua, when the Lord said “do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” –Joshua 1:8-9.

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God partners with us to pursue His missions on earth. In Genesis 1, God is at work creating the world as we know it today. Daily, God provides opportunities for work as He apportions daily provisions in both our obedience and disobedience (Matthew 6: 10). Our obedience is key to God’s success. His love draws us to Him, our posture in responding to the amazing love reveals the intent of our hearts.

Our “yes Lord”, allows the Father to dress and equip us with strength and courage which we need to execute His purpose on earth.

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The more we obey, the more His strength carries us through different assignments. As we practice obedience, we become diadems in His service. In exercising obedience, we build courage which leads to fearlessness. All this does not happen by our own might but by the Spirit of God who resides in us.

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In the 21 days of lockdown (*extended by 2-weeks since writing), we can choose to see this time as an irritation or as a gift. A time for self-reflection and examination of our walk with the Holy Spirit. We have been blessed to be home for 21 days to exercise our strength and prepare to enter into a new season.

Joshua’s men could not enter the Promised Land until they were circumcised (Joshua 5: 1-6). First, they needed to obey, endure the pain, and wait for healing to take its course. We too need to follow the same process of reflection. We need to answer some critical questions — questions we may have chosen to ignore, leaving us to live life like everybody else.

These are some simple questions:
Why did I come to earth?
Who am I?
Whose am I?
For what purpose was I born in this city and in this nation?
Is my living and death connected to a cause that I must finish?
On a scale of obedience, in the face of mortality, what do I believe and how did I influence those I love on this earth?

Cynicism has no place now, friends are not there to comfort or help us walk the path to destruction. This time needs radical obedience. Let us wait for the circumcision of our hearts to be completed by God without murmuring in rebellion. Healing has to take place. The kings of the Amorites and all the kings of the Canaanites are watching and trembling, wondering what is going to come out of these 21 days for the Church.

The devil nailed Christ on the tree piercing His sides, water and blood came out — an aspect of the Cross whose significance is often missed today. In Christ’s agony we were born, love broke through and our Messiah walked out of the tomb. The message on the grave is clear — TOMB EMPTY.

Jesus’ purpose of coming to earth was to reveal the way to the Father. He said: “It is finished”. The redemptive process was open, the curtain was torn down the middle. We can willingly choose life in Jesus as our Saviour (John 4: 15-16) or death through Satan in hell.

The 120 saints that willingly obeyed the word to wait for the promise saw the Holy Spirit falling upon each one of them. Today He lives in our hearts directing the work of God on earth and in heaven.

If Jesus and the Holy Spirit came, then it means we are waiting for the third person of the Trinity to come in this dispensation. And it is the Father, the Almighty God. I believe this and as a bride I am preparing for this season. Father, take the centre stage — we are yours in Jesus’ name. Our hearts have been yearning to sit on your lap (Romans 12:19).

Let the world know that this war belongs to the Lord and vengeance is His.

Dr Adele Tjale has a PhD Degree from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
She is a wholeness lifecare practitioner, an author and researcher.
Dr Adele is also a founder and visionary of Holy Spirit Power Network Ministries
that carries over 37 years of women’s ministry with specific interest in raising healthy families.


  1. Gladness Sibiya

    Very profound indeed

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have/has come (John 16:14,15), Jesus has brought the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15). All God’s resources are already available. We don’t wait for the Father to come … rather we wait for the Son, Jesus, to return in power and glory, to judge the earth and to make visible His Kingdom which He brought at His first coming (1 Thessalonians 1:9,10). We as Christ-followers must express our faith with confidence, in the power of the Holy Spirit and disciple the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

  3. Thank you, Hugh. Spot on. Our expectation is not for the Holy Spirit to come. He came at Pentecost and has never been withdrawn. God’s expectation is that His people would believe His Word. He has done all He has ever planned to do for the salvation of those who believe. Jesus’ work is forever finished. Our work is to believe and to broadcast His message to the world by lip and life. Jesus said, “The Father is always working, and so am I.” He calls us to work with Him by believing and speaking the “Amen” to His promises – 2 Cor. 1:19-20, Heb. 6:12.

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