Defend the defenceless — stand against decriminalisation of prostitution

Defending family, faith and freedom
The Department of Justice issued a statement indicating the SA Law Reform Commission (SALRC) has initiated a process aimed at reforming the “legal system’s response to sex work.”

According to a statement published recently on the SA Government’s website by the Commission for Gender Equity, a discussion paper has been issued with this in mind.

The statement refers to an intention on the part of the department of Justice and Constitutional Development “to table legislation in this regard before Parliament”.

Although the statement gives no indication when law reform on prostitution will be tabled in Parliament, the fact that the term “sex work” is used instead of prostitution – is revealing.

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Pro-prostitution groups lobbying for the complete decriminalisation of prostitution frequently use the term “sex work” to indicate that prostitution is ‘work’ like any other normal career.

The fact that government departments have adopted this language is troubling. The ANC Woman’s League and the Commission for Gender Equity often parrot the myth that once the sex industry is decriminalised, woman will have better protection against exploitation and abuse.

This view has been repeatedly refuted in nations that have decriminalised prostitution. The sex industry exploded wherever it was legalised and thrown open the doors to trafficking syndicates.

South Africa is particularly vulnerable to organised crime. Even though prostitution is totally criminalised in SA, crime syndicates and traffickers still operate extensively in the country.

Decriminalising the sex industry will legitimise pimps and organised crime . Once prostitution is state sanctioned, the sexual enslavement of women and children becomes socially acceptable.

Abducting and holding teenage girls as sex slaves is a growing menace in SA. The media reports a 17 year old girl was abducted as a sex-slave and repeatedly gang raped by her captors.

It became clear during the SA Law Reform Commission’s public participation process that the vast majority of SA citizens vehemently oppose a legalised or decriminalised sex industry.

However, a tiny but vocal minority are working diligently to force their agenda on the SA public.

That means you and I must remain prayerful and vigilant. You, the Christian citizen must stop SA from becoming a haven for international crime syndicates, pimps and sex traffickers.

Women and children as young as 12 years old are mercilessly exploited and abused by crime syndicates in the sex trade. This continues and increases when prostitution is decriminalised.

The Sunday Independent reveals the life of a young woman trapped in the sex industry. Her story exposes the terrible abuse and exploitation so prevalent in prostitution. Nigerian crime syndicates have flooded into South Africa and already control vast swathes of the illegal sex industry.

If you and I allow the sex industry to be decriminalised, Nigerian and other crime syndicates already operating in SA become legitimate businessmen. Then nobody can stop their evil trade.

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Family Policy Institute is closely monitoring the legislative process in Parliament and will alert the Body of Christ in South Africa when prostitution law reform is tabled in Parliament.

FPI will educate and equip you to take an informed stand against this evil agenda. But you must pray and act. The lives of thousands of vulnerable women and children depend on your and my actions.

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