Discover Vineyard Worship — Form Us: Review

discovervienyardMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


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This year is a pursuit of the Kingdom and we as sons and daughters of the Most High God, have an opportunity to seek out this King of Glory.  To seek out and discover more of His character through His Word, His grace revealed in our everyday lives and for the sometimes hidden worshipper inside of us, to seek His face as we yearn to worship Him in Spirit and truth.

A name that many of us literally grew up with in Christian Music has released a production, with a name that is just so inviting:  “DISCOVER VINEYARD WORSHIP – FORM US”.  This house has placed themselves on the Potters wheel and one of the changes they have embraced is that of their name, from Vineyard Music to Vineyard Worship. This CD will take you on a journey discovering the expressions of a varied group of individuals united by one silver thread, a deep desire to worship the God of the Universe and also to draw others into that place with them.

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There is such a beautiful sense of intimacy released through these songs and you cannot help yourself, before you know it, you will be singing along with some of the older, more familiar songs as the new songs almost unnoticed, becomes familiar to your heart.  One of the things that really touched me was the fact that there is such a freedom in the worship, the vocalists and the musicians are flowing together so beautifully and hearing the audience singing along when the music quiets down, is just too beautiful for words.  This CD has a list of 16 songs waiting to be heard.  To my great surprise I discovered Jeremy Riddle’s unmistakable voice among names like Casey Corum, Stephen Lampert, Adam Russell and many more.

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The heart of the worshipper inside me was absolutely encouraged and stirred to release the sound God has placed in me while listening to this production.  This album maintains the standard of excellence we have come to expect from Vineyard, yet there are an almost ‘rough’ or ‘unplugged’ sound hidden in some of the songs that reminds me of the many nights worshippers of this beautiful city spent worshipping this King of Glory as we would “BURN” through the night, young and old side by side burning with a passion to see the Kingdom of Christ come on earth.

May we discover more of Him in 2014!

Let the worshipper in you arise.

One Comment

  1. Hey thanks for this Gift!

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