E London author launches books on overcoming spirit of Jezebel and tabernacle pattern of prayer

Recently Pastor Perpetua Heart — or Mama Heart as she is known to many — released three books (Power Over Nations Overcoming the Spirit of Jezebel, Praying the Tabernacle of Moses Volume 1 and Volume 2) at an event in East London where she has been serving as a missionary since 2008. Originally from Nigeria, she leads Global Faith Ministries which equips leaders in prayer and ministry. The mother of eight children and grandmother of nine, shares about her latest books in the Q&A interview below.

I understand you started the Jezebel book 15 years ago. What is significant about the timing?

Scripture says God makes everything beautiful in His time. The Bible also speaks about the fullness of time from God’s perspective, which I believe is the time when everything is in place and we can relate to what God is saying.

When I look back at the time that has passed since the Lord gave me this revelation I can see why the delay. If this revelation was brought before people 15 years ago, they might not really have made sense of it. As it is now, looking at the state of the nation, the operation of the Jezebel spirit abounds and so it is much easier for people to take this matter seriously. The victory I write about has been won on the cross legally — but we have to enforce it.

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Pastor Perpetua Heart

In brief, what can readers expect from your latest books?

The books complement each other. The first exposes the activity of the Jezebel spirit and how to overcome it. The truth is that you need corporate prayer and a corporate anointing to deal with the spirit of Jezebel. That’s where the volumes on the tabernacle prayer model come in. Volume1 is centered on being effective in enforcing the victory that Jesus secured on the cross in your personal life. And Volume 2 is centered on corporate prayer.

What is the back story that led you to writing these books?

You see, the Lord, sent me 16 years ago, because He said that the revival that will touch the world will begin in East London. And He said the world is waiting for Africa and Africa is waiting for South Africa and South Africa is waiting for this.

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And so the Lord asked me to come here to align his people with this prophetic destiny. And so in obedience to God, I came in November 2008. And after one year I was ready to flee because all hell seemed to break loose. It was worse than anything I had experienced in four decades of ministry.

But the Lord interrupted me to say: “You’re about to make the same mistake that Elijah made. And He said to me: “There is something that is after the you.”

He said that was the reason why I was seeing everything going wrong in the family, in the church, in the nation, and actually in the Seven Mountains. He said it was the spirit of Jezebel. And he asked me to do 40 of days of prayer and then He would unpack it for me.

And that’s how the journey of writing the book on the spirit of Jezebel started.

The one on the tabernacle prayer is a recent thing. Last year the Lord showed me the need to teach his people on the importance of effective prayer in order to overcome the spirit of Jezebel.

Why “Power over nations” in the title of the Jezebel book?

If you go to the book of Revelation chapter 2:20, you’ll see where the Lord was rebuking the church of Thyatira, He said: “But I have a few things against you: You permit that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols.” And then the Lord went on to say that whoever overcomes, He would give power over the nations.

So there’s a connection between overcoming the spirit and power over nations. What Jesus said means that this spirit sits over nations. The spirit of Jezebel is a spirit of perversion, a spirit of abortion, an antichrist spirit, an anti righteousness spirit, a spirit that opposes the purposes of God. It is behind all ungodly laws over nations.

So any area of a person’s life that has not been submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ becomes a gateway to the spirit which bewitches and dehumanises people, making them do what they are not supposed to do and perverting their destiny.

It is critical that we arise and understand how to oppose the spirit in order to enforce the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society, beginning with our personal life in the family, and then in the nation.

Tell us more about the two books on tabernacle prayer

The first book has to do with your personal prayer life. Hebrews 4:16 says: Come to the throne of grace, that you will obtain mercy and find grace to help you at the hour of need.

And Romans 1:20 says: the invisible qualities of God are made manifest by the things that we see, even His eternal power and Godhead. God likes to show us invisible things through visible things.

So the tabernacle that God asked Moses to build and furnish according to His specific pattern is a shadow of a real thing. Also the New Testament refers to our body as a tabernacle — and as the temple of God. Understanding the tabernacle — the outer court, the inner court and the Holy of Holies — helps us to understand ourselves. We can learn from it that God’s intention for making man was for him to become a tabernacle, a place of God’s abode and for him to have fellowship with God.

Prayer is a journey. The destination is simply the presence of God. And the tabernacle pattern takes you on a dynamic journey that will totally transform your prayer life.

The second volume is centered on praying for other people — interceding for your family, the Church, the city, for leaders, nations and even for Israel.

Who should read your books?

 Ever spiritual leader, political leader. In fact this book is for everybody.

Where are the books available?

You can order them by sending an email to globalfaithministries@gmail.com or by contacting Zale at +27 781 296 027 or Valenti at +27 720 135 869.

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