Ex-Muslims who met Jesus in dreams impact SA dominee

Muslim background believers who encountered Jesus in dreams, from left,Martha from Nile Delta; Amira, from Tunisia; Rashijd,from Morocco; Biko from Algeria; and Madjid, from Algeria.

Many South African Christians have heard reports of a growing number of  Muslims in various parts of the world coming to Christ through dreams. But not too many have met such believers.

Ds Heinrich Alberts.

Ds Heinrich Alberts of Hoogland Dutch Reformed Church, Port Elizabeth, met five such Christians at a Bible college in Middle Egypt in April, and was deeply moved by the experience.

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The five young, “Muslim background believers” from various parts of North Africa were  “uncontaminated” by church tradition and doctrine, he said. They showed pure  “love in action” and were fearless about sharing their faith despite the dangers they faced. When local Christians advised him not to publicise the names of the five because of the risk of persecution, they laughed and said he should look at their facebook pages where they openly witnessed about their faith.

The five  — two from Algeria, one from Tunisia, one from Morocco and one from Egypt (Nile Delta) — all said they became Christians without the involvement of people but through dreams in which Jesus revealed himself to them. All five found their way to Veritas College in El Minya where they sought training to equip themselves to evangelise in their home countries.

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Alberts said that the director of Veritas College, Egypt, Emad Sami, believed that it was a miracle that the five had all heard about Veritas and managed to arrive there at the same time. Apparently 12 young people from different parts of North Africa had applied for visas in order to study at the college but the five “dreamers” were the only successful applicants. Travel between North African countries was currently difficult because of fears of Arabs from different areas bringing different political doctrines, said Alberts.

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Due to the unique circumstances of the five new believers, Veritas developed an intensive three weeks training programme for them. The college specialises in practical Christian leadership training that works in any culture.

Using dreams in closed areas
Alberts said that the view  of Christian leaders in the region was that God was using dreams to draw Muslims to Himself in areas that were cut off from outside evangelists. God was sovereignly reaching people in those places so that they could reach others in their areas.

Alberts visited Egypt and Veritas College for the first time in 2007. He was impacted by the vitality and commitment of previously Muslim believers and the way that churches worked together in that environment that was hostile to Christians.

“In South Africa Churches are often so divided by doctrine and traditions that they lose the plot and everyone is protecting their own interest instead of working together for the Kingdom,” he said.

He and his church began a relationship with Veritas and he has visited Egypt regularly since then. At his last visit, in April, he was a guest speaker at a graduation, which included diplomates, degrees and the college’s first Masters degree graduate. Veritas, which is accredited with the university of Perth and the University of Colorado, has colleges in various parts of the world, including a number of “closed” areas.


  1. Hi there if those people who critisize those muslim people, they better repent. I believe them, cause God spoke to me in my dream to go and proclaim His Name in South Africa and on top of that HE ordained me in my sleep. This happen in 2010

    • Amen to that, if anyone has trouble believing have a look at this website: http://www.morethandreams.org

      Dreams and Visions of Jesus

      For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women – without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians – have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Reports of these supernatural occurrences often come from “closed countries” where preaching the Gospel is forbidden and where converting to Christianity can invoke the death sentence. A common denominator appears to be that the dreams come to those who are seeking to know and please God. We decided to capture some of these stories and use them as a witnessing tool to Muslims all over the world.

  2. It’s so encouraging to read the article of those ex muslim that met Jesus in a dream.We are still living in a free country let us seek opportunity, pray for opportunity, seize opportunity, remember there are a lots of muslims that are searching for the truth. When you meet a muslim reach out to him with the love of Jesus.

  3. Stuart Wragg

    Amen to that Romano

  4. This is so encouraging… It reminds me of the DVD: More than dreams

    I agree with Ds Alberts about the disunity among believers in S.A.

    Jesus loves the Muslim people and every people group in the world and wants to use us, His people, to reach out to them with the love of the Father…

    There is a powerful tool God is using to bring healing in this area and specifically in the area of cross-cultural evangelism, it’s called Kairos, Kairos exists to see the whole Church mobilized for cross-cultural mission to the world’s least-reached peoples yet at the same time for us to effectively be engaging in the Great Commission (Matt 18-20) on our doorstep.

    Kairos is a movement of God bringing about huge transformation by bringing about a truly biblical worldview,
    a tool igniting Great Commission engagement with Apostolic passion!

    Kairos is being run all over the world including Africa and more specifiacally locally here in S.A. For more info please email: tressel@iafrica.com

    http://www.kairoscourse.org/ Follow Kairos Course on twitter: @KairosCourseSA http://bit.ly/enmJxS

    or facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kairos-South-Africa/373175732726690

    May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering! Jesus our King of Glory!

  5. Desiree Ebrahim

    Great stuff..my muslim neighbours ex-drug addict son, Ishmael also came to meet Jesus, right when he needed Him most. Doctors discovered that Ishmaels brain is crumbling because of the tik he was using. His speech has stared slowing down as a result and you have to listen carefully when he speaks. Our church is havinga youth conference, and when I offered to pay for him, he did not hesitate but grabbed the opportunity. Please pray for this child as he needs lots of TLC and prayers…..God is good

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