‘Faithful soldiers of God do battle’ on mall car park every morning

‘God’s car guard army’ lined up for daily early-morning prayer in front of Retail Park, Boksburg (PHOTO; Barbara Kolver)

If you were to visit Retail Park shopping mall in Boksburg at 7.30am any morning you would see a surprising sight — about 40 uniformed men lined up in three rows like soldiers on a parade ground.

These men “under the command” of their elected leader Mucha Sithole are indeed engaged in warfare — doing battle in prayer in preparation for their duty as car guards at the centre.

Sithole told Gateway News that their morning mission began three years ago, when the men — all Christians from South Africa and various African nations — expressed a desire to begin their work day by praying together.

Sithole said he insisted that they line up in a squad and remove their caps when praying — to show their disciplined approach to prayer and their respect for God. The men pray for about 20 minutes daily before the centre opens at 8am.

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He said they pray for Retail Park, its customers, their families and for their own protection as they stand against crime in the area.

According to people canvassed by Gateway News the car guards’ prayers are making a difference.

Jankie Monene, a security guard from Persec Protection Services, confirmed they work closely with the car guards and said he believes there has been a decrease in crime due to the faithful prayer and organised operations between the car guards and security guards.

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Busisiwe (Blessing) a cashier at Woolworth and Malefutso, admin manager at @Home Living Space both agreed that the crime situation has been better since the car guards started praying.

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