Fetishes, stolen goods, porn burnt at mission ‘fire service’

A wide variety of accursed articles were burnt at an Easter weekend ‘fire service’ at Kwasizabantu Mission, KwaZulu-Natal following a time of confession of sins by their owners.

Fetishes, amulets, occult paraphernalia, drums used by witch doctors and for customary purposes, a range of stolen household and other goods, weapons, drugs, occult books, pornographic material, and items bought cheaply from thieves or through the proceeds of prostitution, all went up in flames.

Since the beginning of a revival amongst the Zulu people in KwaZulu-Natal in the 1960s, many people have come under great conviction of sins and found no peace until they brought to light their hidden works of darkness. As a result, over the years, many have brought their accursed articles to be burnt at Kwasizabantu Mission “fire services”, in order to find freedom in Christ.

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fireservice2Rev Erlo Stegen, founder of the mission, preached in the auditorium to a few thousand people of various nationalities, over the long weekend celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Everyone then proceeded outside to watch the burning of the accursed goods.

“God wants His people free from abominations”, was the main point in the text, preached from Acts 19:17-19, “… And many who believed came confessing and telling their deeds. Also, many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.”

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The text refers to the fear that fell on both Jews and Greeks after an incident where a demon possessed man overpowered the sons of Sceva, causing them to bring their hidden sins into the light. As a result they publicly burned their costly books on magic and black arts.


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  2. ChristopherBlackwell

    I find it curious this two thousand year history of vandalism of other people’s stuff, including many of the beautiful Pagan temples and scared groves. Interesting that the early church often stole the wealth of the temple s that it destroyed and put those former sacred places to use as barns for animals.

    Strange that Christian, found that in bad taste when it was done to their monasteries when the Vikings took the gold from them. Of course that gold had come first from Pagan temples

    Now I do hope this stuff burned was actually owned by the members of the church. If that is the case I have no problem with it. But when it comes to things that are scared to others such as fetishes and books I find this distasteful.

    As to the naughty stuff well those that sold it have already made their profit off it. I am kind of curious how it came into the hands of good Christian folks.

    Would in not be better to teach the Christian folk better morals and belief in their own religion? Then you would no need to burn anything.

  3. Dianne Steven

    “Some of the people who come to this very large mission for help are either unsaved or ignorant Christians; then when they see a counselor to confess their sins they want to be rid of their stolen goods or occult paraphernalia.”
    Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom – let your email find you!

  4. Amen

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