Get ready for the greatest revival in history, says Mogoeng

Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng speaking to the nation today (PHOTO: YouTube)

God is calling His people in South Africa to contend for the fulfilment of His plan to birth the greatest revival in the history of the Earth, said Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng in a message to the nation today.

That prophesied revival is in the process of birth now but the “great red dragon” — the devil — wants to steal the baby before it is born and a war is raging over the destiny of South Africa, he said at a meeting at Kingdom Covenant Life Assembly in Vosloosrus, Gauteng.

Mogoeng, who will complete his 10 year term of office as chief justice on October 11, is embarking on a nationwide series of meetings to share the message which he said the Lord gave him. He emphasised today that he was not making a speech but being obedient to share what the Lord had told him. Key Scriptures through which the Lord had spoken to him included Revelation 12: 1-4, Revelation 2: 20, 21 and 1 Kings 21, he said.

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He said the current unprecedented level of immorality and perversion and shedding of innocent blood in SA is evidence of a raging war against SA’s destiny and is partly a consequence of “those with the power and authority to turn the situation around” having allowed it on their watch.

Just as Jezebel had manipulated an innocent man out of his inheritance in I Kings 21, Christians in SA today are being manipulated by Jezebel working through media to believe the messages of the kingdom of darkness and to disbelieve what comes from the Lord, he said.

“Somehow we have forgotten that faith comes from hearing the Word of the Lord and doubt and unbelief and fear come from hearing the word of the devil and his agents,” said Mogoeng.

He urged Christians to know who they are and that God, in His Word, has given us prayer strategies and authority to overcome the dragon and Jezebel.

God, whose foundation is justice and righteousness, has remembered what Africa did for Heaven, he said. He noted how when Herod wanted to kill Jesus as a baby it was Africa who took care for Him. And he recalled how during His last mile of carrying the cross of our sin and shame it was Simon of Cyrene, an African man, who helped Him bear it.

He said that God had decided to remember Africa’s good deeds by birthing the greatest revival in history in South Africa and spreading it through Africa and the world.

But, quoting a prophecy by the late Kim Clement, he cautioned how great outpourings in other nations had fizzled out because they were mishandled by believers.

He said the war against God’s glorious destiny for SA is raging because the devil and his agents know and believe the Lord’s intentions.

“Many children of God know about it too but don’t do anything about it. What a betrayal,” he said.

He listed key aspects that run through a number of prophecies over SA made over a number of years, including glorious wonders, cessation of violence and corruption, economic turnaround, the raising of a godly man to deliver people from bondage, a blueprint for national development, genuine national unity, a united Church and Africa carrying the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Mogoeng said that in this season God wants the Church in SA to put aside petty arguments, doctrinal differences, tribal, ethnic and racial prejudices and that He will remove all leaders who oppose His will for unity. He also wanted believers to stop playing Church by leaning on their own understanding and to seek Him with all their hearts.

It is time for the Church to get ready for the greatest move of God in the history of the Earth. And a key to this is to follow Paul’s instruction to Timothy and the example of David by “waging war” with the prophecies over their lives, said Mogoeng.

“Prophecy is not self fulfilling,” he said. “We have got to wage war over these prophecies until they are fulfilled. We have the responsibility. We the nobodies. We the ones the agents of the devil want to project as mad people Let us not focus on the agenda of the devil. You can be derailed.”

He urged believers not to be intimidated by the devil and his agents who would insult, inimidate and lie to them.

“You have no idea how much you intimidate them The devil is afraid of us if only we will wake up to who we are [in Jesus],” he said.

During a question time at the end of yesterday’s meeting Mogoeng was asked about the prophetic word about God raising a national leader and whether he would stand for the presidency of SA in 2024. Mogoeng replied that there are a number of people who say they are called to lead the nation.

“All I can say is I am ready to do whatever the Lord wants me to do,” he said.

He said while it was good to pray for the 2024 elections we should not confine our prayer to 2024.

“Do not limit God. He is a God of ‘suddenlies’,” he said.

Tomorrow (Thursday September 23) Mogoeng will share his message at 11am at Grace Kingdom Community Centre in Garankua. That meeting, like today’s will also be streamed on Facebook and Youtube at HealingthenationofAfrica.

Other confirmed meeting dates are October 7 in the Northern Cape, October 21 in Cape Town, November 18 in Port Elizabeth, November 19 in East London, November 20 in Mthatha and November 25 in Standerton, Mpumalanga. Other dates and locations are still being finalised.

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  1. Indeed the winds of change are blowing stronger and stronger. The Jesus Nation is ready to walk with the Almighty God. We support you Man of God by prayer. God bless Africa.

  2. Thank you very much for the Word of GOD you bring and for inspiring the body of CHRIST to rise to the challenge….. I feel blessed and encouraged to arise from my resting place and also do whatever the LORD JESUS CHRIST wants me to do
    thank you and be blessed !!

  3. I find a remarkable correlation (CONFIRMATION) between this prophetic word and that of Dr Jurgen Buhler elsewhere in this edition of Gateway News.
    Revival is coming to South Africa as well as to Jerusalem. Maranatha!!

  4. Barbara Sorgdrager

    I just want to say thank you for the message of hope and am standing together with my fellow believers as we fast and pray now leading up to the 1st November election. We believe firmly that God’s Will shall be done for our nation as we have an absolutely amazing country and Satan shall NOT have a foot in here, but our country falls directly under God and we the people stand strong on the Prophetic Words that have gone out over our country. We look forward, in anticipation, to see how our God will bring about the change He has spoken of, that we might move forward once again, protected under His wings and filled with His Dunamis power. God bless each of you and God bless South Africa!!

  5. Praise God for this powerful message. Thank you man of God for not giving in to the pressure of the world. We will be praying for you in Edenburg Freestate. God bless.

  6. This gives hope in a hopeless situation. Only Jesus is capable of changing our situation.

  7. For the Lord Chief Justice. I am ready and poised to serve Jesus Christ and South Africa the beautiful country that opened its arms and welcomed a new son in. I will do all I can to help. Love from, Piper James.

  8. Busisiwe Ndlovu-Bhebhe

    Waaaaah! To God be the Glory!
    Can’t wait to witness Sovereignty of Our Heavenly Father.
    Thanks a million Chief Justice.

  9. Ndabi Makgoathane

    God is great. He hears the cries of His children.We serve a God who knows the desires of His children. He is the same God who delivered the Israelites from the bondage of Pharaoh,and He still the same God. Thank you CJ, from listening to God ?. May God protect you from the red dragon and his cohorts.We shower you with our prayers and hide you in the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen ???

  10. May the name of the Lord be praised and lifted higher and higher and higher and higher and higher in all creations. You are the chosen chief justice Mogoeng- no weapon formed against you shall prosper!!! You are on point of what God has sent you, here in our land. Prayers for you cannot be ceased until Jesus Christ comes. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah ?

  11. Praise God for the strong faithful Christian witness of the Chief Justice. I am from U.K. but pray for God’s richest blessings on South Africa.

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