Get the ‘inside story’ of the persecuted Church today

By Open Doors SA

It is estimated that for one in every 12 Christians around the world,persecution is a daily reality –they endure intimidation, prison and even death because of their faith.

During 2016, Open Doors distributed 2.5 million Bibles and Christian literature worldwide, trained a million  people and provided practical and socioeconomic help to 877 000  persecuted Christians around the world.

The persecuted Church is very much alive and growing — and you can get the inside story!

On August 12 2017, Open Doors Southern African will be hosting their first-ever Open Doors Day, where they’ll be sharing the inside story of how Open Doors has been working in over 60 countries for more than 60 years, supporting Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.

As part of the main programme for the day, you can join workshops on various topics.

These will include: travelling with Open Doors to a closed country; the impact of discipleship training on the persecuted Church; the difference youth ministry makes in refugee camps in the Middle East; some smuggling adventures and testimonies; how you can put your running shoes to use in donating Bibles; and, a deeper encounter with persecuted Christian women, the doubly vulnerable in closed countries.

Click here to book your seat – and experience a closer encounter with the persecuted Church!!

*All figures have been rounded.

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* Regarding the training: 455 600 were Christians. Another 597 000 can be added to this figure because of the number of seekers and Muslims who also joined our online training/outreach programmes.
Open Doors is a Christian ministry that provides spiritual and practical support to persecuted Christians in more than 60 countries worldwide

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