Get your voice out there!

Defending family, faith and freedomThe media reports that Top TV’s second application to launch three 24-hour porn channels in SA has elicited a record response from the public. Thank you for making your voice heard!

One of the channels Top TV plans to introduce to SA is Playboy. And despite Top TV’s assurances that children will not gain access to their “adult content”, media agencies in the UK report the Playboy channel have been fined heavily for exposing children to hard-core porn websites.

ICASA will soon provide details of the next stage of the public participation process. It is more than likely they will hold public hearings at their HQ in JHB. FPI is planning to make oral submissions.

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High Court ruling
Thank you also for writing to the Department of Justice urging Minister Jeff Radebe to appeal the morally reprehensible Pretoria High Court ruling that decriminalises sex between 12–16 year olds.

There is no deadline. If you have not done so already, please write to

Please continue to pray into both these issues. The most powerful tools we have are prayer and the unified voices of Christian citizens who care enough to actively oppose evil in society.

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The Mail & Guardian reports 40% of all pregnancies in the country involve girls younger than 19 and about 35% of all girls will have given birth before they reached that age.

Teen pregnancies, abortions
Teen pregnancies and teen abortions are out of control in South Africa. Government’s strategy to combat this tragedy appear to be the distribution of condoms to junior and senior schools.

Tonight’s (Tuesday, February 5) “Watchmen on the Wall” episode on TBN Africa addresses the spiralling rates of abortions in SA. Despite abortion being legal since 1997, illegal abortions have not declined.

In fact, stickers advertising illegal backstreet abortions appear to be concentrated around areas where young people congregate – such as universities, colleges and technikons.

The disturbing moral decline in South Africa must serve as a wake-up call to the Church. The Body of Christ must re-evaluate its strategy of impacting society with the Gospel message.

National moral decline is the consequence of national spiritual decline. The Church of Jesus Christ is failing to effectively proclaim its message to greater society – with devastating results.

We may have healthy and growing Churches. But healthy Churches in a sick and increasingly dark and depraved society – defeats the primary purpose of the Church in the world.

The Church was birthed in the earth to take the way and will of God into all of society. Complete social transformation must be our goal, not isolated islands dotted around the social landscape.

South African society desperately needs Biblical truth, wisdom and guidance. And the Bible based, Spirit-filled Church is the only agency on earth capable of providing this.

The time is long overdue for the Body of Christ to venture out beyond the walls of the sanctuary. SA needs what you and I have.  And the only way they can get it – is if we boldly share it with them.

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