The Willow Creek Association 2014 Global Leadership Summit will run in South Africa at 11 venues from October 10.
The consistently inspiring two-day leadership training event which is held in 105 countries celebrates its 20th anniversary this year — and its 10th anniversary in South Africa!
Senior Pastor, Assembly of God Church, Kolkata, India
- Chairman of the Centre for Global Leadership Development in Bangalore, he is active in shaping India’s future church leaders
- A board member for World Vision India and Chairman of the Board for Bombay Teen Challenge, his ministry focuses on evangelism in a multi-faith context as well as engagement with the major social issues facing his country
- A pioneering pastor, author and scholar who received his Ph.D. from Oxford Centre for Global Mission Studies
- The church Ivan pastors reaches 4,000 attendees in eight language sections each week and runs an outreach that provides education and basic nutrition to thousands of children in the city slums
In future weekly GLS 2014 Updates we will introduce each of the speakers individually and keep you updated about the latest GLS news and announcements. Click here for previous updates.
Watch video: Ivan Satyavrata introduction
NOTE: Early Bird Rate applies until August 1!
Dates and Venues
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