God is delivering His Church from self sabotage — Clementia Pae

Isaac is born — the perfect will of the Father is established

In 2018 I shared a prophetic word from the Lord, titled, “The season for her delivery has come.” The Lord was saying that Isaac would be born in 2018.

Thereafter, this word faced much contention and opposition from the enemy against reaching its fruition. Yes, from all directions, the enemy fought this word, nail and tooth, resisting its manifestation.

However, recently, as I inquired deeper from the Lord, He revealed to me that most of the contention and resistance came from Sarah herself, the Church, and the enemy only had to use that, to his own advantage.

Deceived, disillusioned and filled with unbelief, Sarah has been demanding other people’s wombs, to birth her a revival, when God had declared that her own womb would birth an Isaac.

A month ago I saw the waters of Sarah’s womb (the Church’s womb) break, but instead of her getting ready to push, she was still busy ordering other people around, to do the pushing for her. Wanting them to serve her. The truth of the matter is that she had not fully believed what God had said. She has been looking out there, when she was supposed to look within.

When God had said: “You will birth nations,” she had not been thinking of nations. Her limited thinking made her to only think of one nation and her immediate family. Hence she ended up arranging that her husband sleep with Hagar in order to get temporal gratification and a temporal solution to her problem.

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Little did she know that the perfect will of God cannot be manufactured, nor manipulated. It does not depend on man’s agendas but on God’s sovereignty.

Sarah had to recognise that she was a quarrelsome woman
Sarah had to do some soul searching, and to recognise that she was cruel by nature, and that she needed the character of God formed in her. She had to recognise the Jezebelic character within her, and not point it out there, somewhere.

I saw Sarah beating up her children with her own bare hands, so badly and so severely that their backs almost broke in half.

Her lack of faith, her impatience, her fears from her own past traumas, which now had caused her to be cruel, made her force the young Hagar to lie with her husband and birth her a counterfeit son. Basically, she tried to play God in this situation.

When Ishmael was born, Sarah became jealous again, and started abusing Hagar. She quickly forgot that she was the reason for the counterfeit thing, that she was now seeing in front of her. Of course, she ended up chasing Hagar away with the baby that she, herself had created. She put the blame on Hagar.

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However, the loving, faithful and redemptive God, who answers the prayers of the repentant remnant, has now come to fulfil His covenant with Abraham. The true Isaac, the son of promise has been born.

The Word of God is being fulfilled in front of our eyes. The will of God is established and cannot be disputed.

The body with many valuable parts
Unlike Sarah, when it came to the story of Mary, she received the word of the Lord from the angel:

“In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” 34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
— Luke 1:26-34 NIV

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“The Spirit of Holiness will fall upon you and almighty God will spread his shadow of power over you in a cloud of glory! This is why the child born to you will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God. 36 What’s more, your aged aunt, Elizabeth, has also become pregnant with a son. The ‘barren one’ is now in her sixth month. 37 Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God!” — Luke 1:26-38 TPT,”

The Bible tells us that Mary’s heart was pure, and that she immediately surrendered to the will of God.

Mary however, did not only believe the news about herself and her own baby, but also about her aunt Elizabeth, when the angel told her that Elizabeth was also 6 months pregnant.

Mary was not deceived to think that only her womb was the special one, that the Lord would use. Her character and the posture of her heart, brought her wisdom and revelation. She saw and received the birth of the forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist. Propelled by love and servitude, Mary visited Elizabeth, and the Bible tells us that when they met, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped.

Now try to imagine what may have transpired if Mary had started to despise Elizabeth, or vice versa. What would have happened to John or to Jesus, if these women started competing or started thinking they were more important than the other?

What would have happened if they had disregarded the baby that each one of them carried or if they started to see one another as a threat? If this was the case, Mary would not have gone to visit Elizabeth to begin with.

However, Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, and then returned back home. Mary was also growing in her pregnancy and had to go back home to prepare to bring forth her own baby.

Both of these women, Mary and Elizabeth, carried deliverers in their wombs, at a certain point in time, and both of them became one another’s destiny helpers. Each one of them brought forth the will of God on the earth. There was only love between them, no fear, no suspicion, no threat, and certainly no curses spoken about one another.

The government is on Yeshua’s shoulders (The Church)

God is moving in an unprecedented manner in the Body of Christ at large, and is birthing His divine will. God who is not a respecter of men, but of principles, is pouring His Spirit upon all flesh. He is overshadowing His Church with His glory and He is overriding man-made agendas and systems to birth His divine purpose.

The uncontainable and uncontrollable power and fire of His spirit is moving among the remnant. United in the spirit through the bond of peace, the church is birthing the will of God the Father, on the earth, and God only, will receive all the glory.

God is busy rewarding the remnant everywhere, for their faithfulness, for persevering, for remaining and trusting in Him, even through intense trials and persecution.

He is swiftly establishing His Kingdom on the earth, birthing His government and restoring the authority to these trusted ones. The glory is so weighty that the only way to live under it, will be through the posture of sincere love, true repentance and true worship.

Songs of praise and dances of deliverance are what’s going to hold the density of the glory cloud. And through this, God will melt the hearts and unite His Church, so she can govern well on the earth.

The Lord has judged and has sat down the mother of harlots, the daughter of Babylon, permanently. The smoke from her goes up forever and ever. (Revelation 18 &19)

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