God knocking on the door of business in 2020s — Patrick Kuwana

PHOTO: thebiblespeakstoyou.com

By Patrick Kuwana, founder of  Crossover Transformation Group

“A season of choosing the voice to follow in business”– Could this be one of Christ’s main messages to the business sphere for the 2020s decade?

I believe God’s message to business for the season we have stepped into is clearly articulated in Revelation 3:20 — Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me.

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I believe God is knocking on the doors of businesses – He wants the heart of business and not just the outer parts. He wants to be at the frontline and centre of strategy and decisionmaking in boardrooms and not to be hidden and confined in prayer rooms and Bible study meetings.

He wants His voice to become the primary voice that will determine decisionmaking, strategy and the direction that businesses will take. He is standing outside and knocking on the doors of boardrooms. He is standing outside and knocking on the doors of executive meetings. He is ready to come in and feast inside the boardrooms and executive meetings of businesses that open their doors to Him.

Boardroom tables will become tables where He prepares feasts for those that open the door and give Him a chair at the table, listen to what He has to say and obey His voice.

Such businesses will even go and feast at tables in front of their enemies (Psalm 23:5) as the Lord causes them to prosper over unrighteous businesses or those that choose not to hear His voice.

I believe the entire letter to the Laodicean church (Revelation 3:14-22) is one that businesses should pay careful and detailed attention to. The future success of businesses might just be directly related to how Christian business leaders respond to this letter.

Revelation 3:14-22 — Write the following to the messenger of the congregation in Laodicea, for these are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation: I know all that you do, and I know that you are neither frozen in apathy nor fervent with passion. How I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I am about to spit you from my mouth. For you claim, “I’m rich and getting richer—I don’t need a thing.” Yet you are clueless that you’re miserable, poor, blind, barren, and naked! So I counsel you to purchase gold perfected by fire, so that you can be truly rich. Purchase a white garment to cover and clothe your shameful Adamnakedness. Purchase eye salve to be placed over your eyes so that you can truly see. All those I dearly love I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right. Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me. And to the one who conquers I will give the privilege of sitting with me on my throne, just as I conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. The one whose heart is open let him listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying now to the churches.

The 2020s decade is definitely shaping up to be the most chaotic, volatile and uncertain ever at a socio, economic and political level, both locally and globally. Economic sentiment, financial markets, business confidence and global trade agreements among many others are being shaken and brought into turmoil at levels that are unprecedented.

There is possibly no greater need and time than now for “THE VOICE OF GOD” to intentionally, unashamedly, unapologetically and boldly take a central role in the navigation of businesses at both a personal and organisational level.

I believe God is going to shake the stronghold of mammon in unprecedented ways during this decade.

“You can’t have two masters………you can’t be directed by the voice of mammon and the voice of God at the same time’”(Paraphrased from Matthew 6:24).

“How long will you waiver between two opinions….” — 1 Kings 18:21. This is the time to choose which voice is given a seat around the boardroom table and which voice will determine strategic decisionmaking.

Watch Patrick Kuwana on Pursuing Spiritual Intelligence:

One Comment

  1. Greetings dear brother Patrick.
    Trust you rejoicing in Jesus Name.
    Could we please meet for fellowship and discussion of the Abundant life Wellness Plan.
    Please view our website.
    Much appreciated
    Brother Louis Jooste

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