God speaks to prayer warriors about abortion and election

The Bridal Chamber prayer room at the House of Bread, Bloemfontein.

Abortion is very high on God’s agenda for the coming election, says Bloemfontein businessman and prayer ministry leader, Andre Venter.

Explaining the background to a pre-election prophetic word he sent to Gateway News this week, he said the Holy Spirit released the message to Team House of Bread Prayer Warriors on the Wall during one of their recent morning prayer times for the nation.

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He said the group regularly prays in the Bridal Chamber, a prayer room in the House of Bread, a non-profit restaurant/coffee shop/meeting centre that has become hub of prayer, worship and ministry in Bloemfontein.

The release of the prophetic word, which begins by stating that the May election is not about race or colour but about “light against darkness (1 John 1: 5-9)”, also prompted another Bloemfontein resident, veteran pastor Bryan Innes, to send us a word that he says he received out of the blue during a quiet time — about the pending election being a struggle between light and darkness.

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The House of Bread prayer warriors’ word carries a warning to born-again believers against voting for a political party that is pro-abortion.

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Venter urges Christians to read and meditate on the Bible verses accompanying the word that is published in full below:

Born again believes in South Africa;
The vote you are going to cast is not about race or colour, but light against darkness. (1 John 1:5-9)

Abortion and the coming elections:
The spirit of abortion is the same as the spirit of Molech. (Leviticus 18:21, 20:3-7)
This is a spirit of murder.

To whom do we belong?

(Psalm 100:3)
The Lord has made us, and not we ourselves.

(Isaiah 44:24)
Life is sacred!

(Psalm 139:13-16)
(Jeremiah 1:5)
He is the Creator of the life yet to be born.

(Exodus 20:1,13)
Life and death is not in our hands.

(Exodus 21:22-25)
We are not permitted to take life before it is born.

“If you are going to vote for any political party that is pro-abortion, then you are guilty of sin as you are agreeing to the murder of the life yet to be born, and Satan the accuser of the saints gets the legal right to take your vote to the courtroom of Heaven. The Word in Revelation 12:11 and Daniel 7:9-10 then stands to testify against your action of agreeing to murdering the life before its birth.
This then brings you to a place where your hands becomes bloody in terms of the Scripture.” (Isaiah 1:15, 59:3)

(Genesis 4:10)
Blood has voice.

On the Day of Judgement all the believers have to stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ, and this can cost you Eternal Rewards.
(2 Corinthians 5:10, Ecclesiates 12:14)

Therefore, I would like to encourage you to read, study and meditate on the Scriptures and be led by the Holy Spirit through prayer in Jesus Name.
House of Bread Team

Bryan Innes.

Commenting on the election message that he believes the Holy Spirit gave to him during a quiet time a few weeks ago, Innes says he did not know what to do with it, so just waited at first.

But after becoming aware of two similar words — the word above and a word from Vuyokazi Matu published in Gateway News last week (‘The Spirit-led vote from the Church will cleanse the nation from bloodguilt’) — he decided to send his word to Gateway News.

“It is essential for Christians to educate themselves as to what party to vote for. The track record of each party that was represented in parliament from the election of 2014 should be checked out

“I believe that leaders of every denomination and congregation should give teaching to their members on the value of their vote and what God expects of them,” Innes says.

See his word below:

“ This coming election is different from previous elections for Christians in South Africa. It is a spiritual battle between LIGHT and DARKNESS.

Your vote, every single one, is critical for the direction of this Nations Future. This election is a turning point. Make sure that you MAKE YOUR CROSS next to the party that upholds MY VALUES and MY PRINCIPLES. I, the LORD will JUDGE every Christian according to which party that person votes for. There is no middle ground. So choose either to vote FOR ME OR AGAINST ME.”



  1. I believe God has spoken. Let us
    heed the Word -I pray that many may hear and heed. God guide us as we vote, and bless those for whom we vote.

  2. Two very similar prophetic words in just 2/3 weeks should be a stark warning, or great encouragement depending on where one stands, to Gateway News and all of its readers. Let there be no misunderstanding – God is speaking. The days of accommodating or pandering to the DA (or any other liberal and so-called politically correct party) by born-again and Spirit-filled Christians are over. The ‘wisdom’ of Christian leaders who encourage their flock to vote for the DA so that “We can get rid of the corrupt and incompetent ANC government” is more than just human wisdom, it is deception at best, and who knows what at worst (don’t let me have to say it).

    No doubt, the DA is probably far less corrupt and far more capable of governing than the present government. And yes, we all know (or should know) that we are voting for secular leadership and not for church leadership. But the idea that we should put aside a Godly and biblical principle such as the sanctity of human life (unborn) in order for us (the born) to have a better and more peaceful existence, is not only a compromise but a lie of the highest order. A lie that will not bring the peace or an abundant life we all seek, but only more turbulence, turmoil, instability, conflict, upheaval, disorder, chaos, confusion and condemnation.

    When Jesus warned His disciples about the leaven of Herod (the political spirit) and the leaven of the Pharisees (the religious spirit), He wasn’t talking about the bread which He had just multiplied. He was talking about the two ungodly powers that can remove (steal) the God of miracles from our lives, our churches, and from our nation. When those two ungodly powers work together and overcome us, they can be lethal to our witness, our calling, and our destiny.

    Jesus overcame these ungodly powers so that we can. And Israel did not get their nation back from the Romans at that time. But we need Godly discernment for these times, and not the same kind of wishful thinking that the Jews had back then.

  3. Tydens die 3e beurtkrag gleuf vir die dag, weet ek gisteraand dat ek teen letterlike en geestelike duisternis moet bid. Maar ook dat my gebed onvoltooid is. Dankie vir die herinnering, dis die danksegging wat ontbreek het.

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