Gospel preacher with heartbeat for this generation visiting Durban

Clayton Jennings — on a mission to tell world about salvation through Christ alone.

He’s a young man with a burning passion. He’s Clayton Jennings who has the heartbeat of the present generation.

Jennings, 28, is a poet, author, filmmaker and evangelist, from Noblesville, in Indiana, America who will be speaking at the Durban Christian Centre, Jesus Tent, on October 8 and 9.

“My goal is to tell the entire world about the salvation offered only through Jesus Christ,” says Jennings, who has made a meteoric impression on the church world in America.

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“It’s an incredible thing to witness,” he says in a comment on his ministry web site. “Thousands and thousands of lives have been saved.

“How? The Gospel. It’s simple. The Gospel does the work. It’s my mission to preach the Gospel to the world.”

In an interview Jennings told a local reporter, Beth Vaughn of RTV6 channel, that his message is “catching fire because millennials (people born between 1982 and 2004) are thirsty for truth.”

Many popular speakers today want to tell you 10 ways to get rich, five ways to feel good, 18 ways to be motivated, and the millennial generation is just tired of hearing that and don’t buy into that stuff, says Jennings.

Jennings grew up in the church where his father was the pastor. He got involved with church theatrical productions directed by his mother. This laid the foundation for his multi-faceted media ministry.

Jennings will be ministering on Saturday, October 8 at 6pm and on the Sunday at the 8 am, 10.30 am and 5 pm services at the Jesus Tent in Durban. Further details from 031 242 5000.


  1. Peter Mc Gregor

    I thank the LORD for someone who has finally got back to the seriousness of the Gospel and the gospel alone, without all the other additives. As Paul said “…its Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” Anything beyond that is a counterfeit. Today, most churchgoers do not even know what it means to be taught by the Holy Spirit any more. May the LORD bless and strengthen you in your work.

  2. Well commented, Peter! Paul says in I Cor 2:2: For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except jesus Christ and Him crucified

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